2020 Website News
These are the items that were included on the "Late Breaking Website News" page in 2020. Items are listed with the most recent one first, and each article carries the posting date indicating when it was first uploaded. You should find this an interesting look at the important Shroud and Website events in 2020.
You can also view every previous year's Website News pages at the links below:
Fall/Winter Update! November 7, 2020
Revisione propositiva dei risultati di
radio-datazione della Sindone di Torino
New Paper by Paolo Di Lazzaro et al.We hope you are all doing well during these difficult times. This update was originally scheduled to go online in mid-October, but it had to be postponed several times, in part because of the virus issues. With everyone staying home and spending more time on the internet, our web traffic and e-mail volume have increased dramatically, so I found myself busier over the past six months than before the pandemic! Add in the increased use of the internet for articles, meetings and podcasts and we have enough new Shroud material for another massive website update that will keep you reading until next year!
This update includes several articles about important online resources that are being updated and corrected. Also included is news of the publication of the latest issues of Sindon and the BSTS Newletter, news from STERA, Inc. and the Museum of the Bible, a memorial for two important figures in Shroud research, an update on the Holy Face Project and much more. As usual, we are also including links to a number of important new Shroud papers and books that were published since our last update, along with links to many new websites, internet articles, videos, audios and podcasts. In fact, there were so many links that there were too many to include them all on this page, so once again we have created separate pdf files for each category that include all the relevant links. Let's get started:
Here is the Update Table of Contents:
- For the Moment, A Word of Caution
- Shroud History Page Revisited
- New Issue of Sindon + 9 Early Issues Available
- Latest BSTS Newsletter Issue #91 Now Available
- News From STERA, Inc. - 2020 Fundraising Campaign Launched
- Save the Date(s)! Museum of the Bible Exhibit and Conference
- In Memoriam - Dr. Douglas J. Donahue and Prof. Luigi Fabrizio Rodella
- Recently Published Papers & Articles
- Recently Published Books
- Italian and Czech Language Translations Added
- Update on the Holy Face Billboard Project
- Shroud Related Videos and Audios
- The Shroud on the Internet
- Our Next Update
For the Moment, A Word of Caution
Image Analysis of the Miller & Pellicori UV Fluorescence Images of the Turin Shroud
A Technical Study by Samuel PellicoriIn our June 10, 2019 update, we announced a new website featuring the Shroud photographs made by Vernon D. Miller in 1978. These included the UV fluorescence photographs taken by Vern and optical physicist Samuel Pellicori, a member of the STURP imaging team who worked directly with Vern during the examination and co-authored the paper they wrote on their findings in 1981. Some months ago, it was Sam who noticed a problem with the color rendition of the UV fluorescence photographs on the above website. Here is an excerpt from his study that describes the problem:
"Images recorded by Vern Miller were published on a web site (www.shroudphotos.com). However, the color rendition of the fluorescence photos do not match the original photos; they are shifted to the red, and thus do not display the true fluorescent properties of the various features. After notification, these photos are now labeled 'UV photos'."
Sam next contacted Dr. Gilbert Lavoie, one of the sponsors of the website, and notified him of the problem. In fact, Sam put together a fully illustrated technical study that detailed the issues and provided it directly to Gil. Sam has graciously allowed us to reprint an updated version of it titled, Image Analysis of the Miller & Pellicori UV Fluorescence Images of the Turin Shroud (included here in pdf format). Gil was quick to respond and new digital scans were promptly made of the UV fluorescence images. These are now being processed by Sam and our old friend, Michael Verbois, former Vice-president of Brooks Institute of Photography. Once the processing is completed, the corrected files will be posted on the website. In the meantime, the current versions should be avoided if the color accuracy of the fluorescent properties is an important part of one's research. We will let you know once the corrected images have been posted.
Posted November 7, 2020
Shroud History Page Revisited
The Shroud History page of this website was one of the first pages I built back in 1996, thanks primarily to our good friend, Shroud author and historian, Ian Wilson, who graciously allowed us to reprint a portion of his own, well-researched Shroud history on this site. However, in those early days of the internet, when most people were still using slow dial up modems, issues like page size were a critical factor in web page design. Large pages took forever to download and most of the time, when confronted with a large, slow loading page, visitors would simply move on to something else without ever viewing the page. Since Ian's history was so extensive and detailed, we opted to only include what was then referred to as the "Undisputed" history of the Shroud, starting in the mid-1300's, in order to keep the page size more modest. Aside from the additions that I included of more recent events, the basic history has remained unchanged since 1996.
It's amazing what changes can occur in 25 years! After all that time, Ian recently revisited the page and told me of his shock when he realized just how substantially his thinking has changed and developed over the years, even on matters that we originally called "Undisputed History." This changed thinking has arisen due to the research that he has been conducting into the Charny family during the last decade. In fact, some of his findings will be published in specialist academic publications during the course of the next year. The Winter Edition of the British Society for the Turin Shroud Newsletter will include a major new article by Ian providing some advance notice of these academic publications and those findings, as these affect certain fundamental and longstanding historical assumptions that are currently held by Shroud proponents and opponents alike. The article should be available some time in January.
Ian has asked me to advise you of this because due to this new evidence, certain revisions will be needed to a number of chronological entries that are included on our Shroud History page. He also mentioned that there are important new entries for the 14th and 15th centuries that will need to be added. Ian promises to provide this revision just as soon as possible, though because of his other writing commitments, it may take a year or more to complete. Our sincere thanks to Ian for bringing this to our attention and for his generous offer to provide us with an update in the future. We will keep you informed and let you know once the updating has been accomplished.
Posted November 7, 2020
New Issue of Sindon + 9 Early Issues Available
As we reported in our January 21, 2020 update, the Italian journal Sindon, which was published in Turin for many years by the International Center for the Study of the Shroud (CISS), but which was out of print for some time, published their first new digital issue online earlier this year, in both English and Italian. We are happy to report today that their newest issue has recently been published and added to their online archive. This issue includes new articles by Enrico Simonato, Flavia Manservigi, Hugh Farey, Paolo Di Lazzaro, Dr. Walter Memmolo, Dr. Francesco De Micco, Fr. Peter Mangum, Dr. Cheryl White and Federico Valle. To make it even easier for viewers to access the journal, the CISS has provided both English Language and Italian Language gateway pages on their website. But that is not the only good news! The CISS has begun the major task of archiving the earliest issues of Sindon and Issues No. 1 through 9 are also now available on the above noted gateway pages. These are provided in pdf format and of course, are primarily in Italian. The page will be updated with more issues in the future, so check back from time to time. Once again, our sincere thanks to all the people at the CISS for their efforts in preserving this important resource.
Posted November 7, 2020
Latest BSTS Newsletter Issue #91 Now Available
Our good friend David Rolfe, Editor of the British Society for the Turin Shroud (BSTS) Newsletter, has informed us that Issue #91 is now available online. The issue features articles by such notable Shroud scholars as Ian Wilson, Hugh Duncan, Mark Guscin, Canon Andrew Willie, Louis C. de Figueiredo and David Rolfe. Online issues are available by subscription only via the BSTS Newsletter website at the above links. We have also updated our BSTS Newsletter Archive page to include newsletter Issue #86.. Currently, Issues #1 through #86 are available in the archives here on Shroud.com.
Posted November 7, 2020
News From STERA, Inc.
2020 Fundraising Campaign LaunchedOnce a year, STERA, Inc. launches its annual fundraising effort to support the website and our other long term projects. This year the COVID-19 issues impacted us so we definitely need your support to continue our work. Frankly, with the large number of visitors we have each year, we could generate substantial revenue by allowing advertising on the site (like most websites do), but we have never allowed ads in our 25 year history and have no intention of allowing them in the future! That means that we need your support to help make up the difference and every contribution is fully tax deductible. As President of STERA, Inc., I am obligated to solicit contributions from our viewers and subscribers, just like every other non-profit in the world. Of course, unlike most non-profits, we only have one annual fundraising effort near the end of each year. We prefer not to bombard you with continuous requests for contributions during the course of the year like most other non-profits do (which I am sure you appreciate). But now, that time has come again so here are some reminders of the ways you can support STERA, Inc.
One means of supporting STERA, Inc. is via "Giving Assistant," which allows you to shop at more than 3000 of your favorite brand-name stores and receive cash back for all your purchases. You can then specify what percentage of your cash back earnings you would like to have automatically donated directly to STERA, Inc. We already have several supporters using this method and we encourage our viewers who shop online to help support us this way. You can save money and help STERA, Inc. at the same time!
For the past few years we have participated in a non-profit program from Amazon called "Amazon Smile," which allows you to shop as you normally do and Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price directly to STERA, Inc. They charge no fees for this service and you can even adjust your settings to automatically enter Amazon Smile every time you log on to their website. It provides an easy way to support our work and this website without spending anything extra. [NOTE: If you are an AmazonSmile customer, you can now support STERA, Inc. in the Amazon shopping app on your Android device! Simply follow these instructions to turn on AmazonSmile and start generating donations: 1: If you have the latest version of the Amazon Shopping App, open the App on your Android device. 2: View Settings and select AmazonSmile. 3: Follow the in-App instructions to complete the process.
We have also joined with eBay For Charity to provide an additional way to support Shroud.com and STERA, Inc. You can use it whether buying or selling on eBay and a percentage that you designate is donated to STERA, Inc.
You can also support STERA, Inc. and Shroud.com by purchasing items directly from our Website Store page. With the holidays fast approaching, you might want to look at some of the items we make available, including a miniature Shroud replica on cotton canvas, a set of high quality lithographic prints, several different Shroud transparencies in backlit PhotoGlow frames and a number of DVD's. Any of them would make great gifts for your favorite Shroudie! Order by December 15, 2020 for Christmas delivery (in the U.S.).
Of course, we have also made it very easy to safely make a tax deductible contribution online using PayPal or your credit or debit card via our Secure Contribution Form (or by clicking on the graphic at left or at the top of this article). The form also includes details on how you can contribute by Mail via check or even by telephone. Naturally, we hope many of you will contribute generously since we must rely in part on our viewers for financial support. We understand that you are constantly being asked to donate to many worthwhile organizations and hope you will consider STERA, Inc. and Shroud.com worthy of your support. As further incentive and to express our gratitude for your contributions, we are offering contributors a number of excellent gifts for their support. We thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity.
Barrie Schwortz
President, STERA, Inc.Posted November 7, 2020
Save the Date(s)! Museum of the Bible Exhibit and Conference
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to COVID-19 virus issues, the Museum of the Bible has postponed these events until 2022. The new opening date for the exhibit is February 26, 2022. They are still targeting a closing date which will be some point in late August 2022. The Shroud Conference and other planned events are also postponed and new dates will be announced as soon as they are determined. Watch for more details in our January 21, 2021 website update.]
As we reported in our January 21, 2020 update, the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. is planning a major exhibit titled, Mystery & Faith: The Shroud of Turin, between February 19 and August 1, 2021. In addition, they are planning to organize and sponsor an International Conference on the Shroud of Turin on July 30-31, 2021. The invited list of speakers for the event reads like a who's who of Shroud scholars, including three members of the original STURP team. In fact, a closing dinner is planned on July 31, 2021, that will honor the former STURP team members. Here is a link to a larger pdf version of the above flyer where you can find a complete list of all the speakers. Of course, we will bring you any additional details as they become available. We are all hopeful that the virus issues will not interfere with the scheduled events and will let you know in our January 21, 2021 update should there be any changes.
Here is a brief description of the exhibit taken from the MOB website: "Few artifacts in the world have stirred the imagination, provoked controversy, raised hypotheses—and for some, fortified faith—as has the Shroud of Turin. The Shroud resides in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy, as it has for over four centuries. It bears a faint, yellowed image of a naked, crucified man and is believed by millions of Christians to be the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth. Museum of the Bible is excited to present a groundbreaking, high-tech, innovative exhibition about the Shroud of Turin! Over the course of four exhibit sections, guests will learn about the Shroud, its history, and its impact on millions of people."
Posted November 7, 2020
Updated December 27, 2020
In Memoriam
Dr. Douglas J. Donahue We are saddened to report the passing of Dr. Douglas J. Donahue, on September 23, 2020. Dr. Donahue served as the Chairman of the Department of Physics at the University of Arizona in Tucson. He was Director of the Arizona Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory and participated directly in the dating of the Shroud in 1988. He was the second signatory on the Nature paper that declared the Shroud was medieval. This is a link to his full obituary online. Below is a brief excerpt from that obituary. We extend our sincerest sympathies and condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. Rest in peace.
Barrie Schwortz"Doug earned his PhD in Nuclear Physics at the University of Wisconsin and moved to Washington to work on General Electric's nuclear reactor. He loved Academia, took a professorship at Penn State University and, in 1963, began a 37 year career at the University of Arizona, including time as Chairman of the Physics Department.
"Doug was a pioneer in Carbon 14 dating. In 1983, he assisted in establishing the USA's first accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon laboratory. He radiocarbon dated materials across the world including dating the Shroud of Turin to the 14th Century and the Dead Sea Scrolls to the 1st Century."
In Memoriam
Prof. Luigi Fabrizio Rodella I must also sadly report the passing of Prof. Luigi Fabrizio Rodella, age 57, on September 21, 2020, in Brescia, Italy, after a long illness. Our sincerest sympathies and condolences to Prof. Rodella's family, friends and colleagues. Rest in peace. On September 23rd I received the following notice from Enrico Simonato, Secretary of the International Center of Studies on the Shroud (CISS) in Turin, informing us of Prof. Rodella's passing:
Prof. Luigi Rodella has left us.
With great pain the International Center of Studies on Shroud loses one of its most illustrious Member. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery and in Biological Sciences, with a specialization in General Pathology, he was President of the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery and Professor of Human Anatomy (at the University of Brescia).
Rodella was also responsible for the Anatomical Sectorate and the anatomical dissection program. Coordinator of the Research Group of Neuroanatomy, Craniofacial Anatomy and Endoscopic Anatomy. Deputy Director of the Interdepartmental Research Center "Adaptation and Regeneration of Tissues and Organs. (He was also) President of the Italian Society for the Study of Orofacial Pain.
He was 57 years old. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Simona during this difficult time. The funeral will be celebrated today in Brescia at 10 at the San Zeno cemetery starting from the Civil Hospital.
Our last call was on September 18 regarding the article Luigi was on the way to prepare for the next Sindon issue.
Posted November 7, 2020
Recently Published Papers & Articles
Many new papers and articles have been published in recent months and we are including them here along with some earlier papers that you might find interesting. The papers are listed chronologically, with the most recent paper at the top of the list. All have also been permanently archived on the Scientific Papers & Articles page (alphabetically by title) and the Website Library page (alphabetically by author) or, when appropriate, on the Religion and Philosophy page (alphabetically by title) and the Website Library page (alphabetically by author).
An important new paper titled, Revisione propositiva dei risultati di radio-datazione della Sindone di Torino by Paolo Di Lazzaro, Anthony C. Atkinson, Paola Iacomussi, Marco Riani, Marco Ricci and Peter Wadhams was recently published in Italian in Rapporto Tecnico ENEA, RT/2020/2/ENEA. It appears that a condensed version was then published in English titled, Statistical and Proactive Analysis of an Inter-Laboratory Comparison: The Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin in the journal Entropy, Volume 2, Issue 9, 24 August 2020. Consequently, we are including links to both versions. Since we often emphasize the importance of peer review, we are also including a link to the Peer-review Record and Reviewer's Comments on this paper along with the authors' responses. Here is the abstract from the English version:
"We review the sampling and results of the radiocarbon dating of the archaeological cloth known as the Shroud of Turin, in the light of recent statistical analyses of both published and raw data. The statistical analyses highlight an inter-laboratory heterogeneity of the means and a monotone spatial variation of the ages of subsamples that suggest the presence of contaminants unevenly removed by the cleaning pretreatments. We consider the significance and overall impact of the statistical analyses on assessing the reliability of the dating results and the design of correct sampling. These analyses suggest that the 1988 radiocarbon dating does not match the current accuracy requirements. Should this be the case, it would be interesting to know the accurate age of the Shroud of Turin. Taking into account the whole body of scientific data, we discuss whether it makes sense to date the Shroud again."
This paper was deemed so important that the International Center for the Shroud's Studies (CISS) in Turin issued a rather rare, formal press release about it on September 1, 2020 (in both Italian and English) which we are including here titled, Press Release - Dating of the Shroud of Turin. (English translation begins on page 3).
Recently Published Papers & Articles - November 2020 - This is a link to a single pdf document file that includes links to 16 papers and articles, some of which appeared in academic journals. Authors represented include Pam Moon, Paolo Di Lazzaro, Joseph G. Marino, David R. Maier, Larry Stalley, Thomas McAvoy, Kelly Kearse, Joseph S. Accetta and many more. You can either read it now or simply download the pdf file and review the links and materials at your leisure. As some of you know, I teach a graduate course on "Science and the Shroud," in the Science and Faith Institute at the Pontifical University in Rome. The final exam in my course is an essay answering the question: "What is the importance of Shroud Science to Faith?" On some occasions, the students' papers far exceed my expectations, so, I am sharing one of them with you on this page. You will find it at the end of the list under the heading, STUDENT PAPERS and permanently archived on the Religion and Philosophy page.
Posted November 7, 2020
Recently Published Books
Recently Published Books A number of new Shroud related books have recently been published. We are listing them here but have also permanently archived the new titles on the Shroud of Turin Booklist page (alphabetically by author). To make it easy to find the newest additions, we have annotated their listings with "(Added November 7, 2020)" so you can simply search for that phrase on the Booklist page should you forget the titles.
The 1988 C-14 Dating of the Shroud of Turin: A Stunning Exposé by Joseph G. Marino
This is the long-awaited book from noted Shroud scholar Joe Marino, who spent the last 32 years researching and documenting the events surrounding the 1988 radiocarbon dating of the Shroud. It culminated in a massive volume of detailed evidence that he now presents to the world in this new book. To make the material easier to absorb, he presents the information chronologically, in bulleted form with sources for each entry. And he's not finished yet! Since the book was published, some additional information has come to light so he has created a special web page designed to be updated regularly with new additions, clarifications and corrections. Here's the link: A Stunning Exposé Web Page. Here is an excerpt from the online description:
"A majority of scientific and historical evidence proves the Shroud of Turin is the authentic burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth. Only one test says otherwise - the carbon date performed in 1988. The Shroud of Turin is the most studied artifact in human history. If science can prove the Shroud to be the authentic burial cloth of Jesus, the spiritual, psychological, and societal consequences would be unthinkably profound. In 1978, an investigation by a group of elite scientists known as the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) pointed toward authenticity. STURP, composed mostly of U.S. scientists who worked in the country's nuclear and space programs, concluded that the image was NOT the product of an artist. Additional research since that time has also been predominantly pro-authenticity. But only one test claims otherwise-the carbon date performed in 1988, whose results were announced as AD 1260-1390-a test that has since been proven questionable on multiple levels. Most people are unaware that C-14 is normally only a confirmatory test and does not outweigh the accumulation of other evidence. So how did one test deceive the world about the most important relic in human history?"
Paperback: 804 pages
Publisher: Joseph Gerald Marino (November 4, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1734813036
Science, Theology and the Holy Shroud edited by R. Gary Chiang and Evelyn M. White
Edited papers from the 2019 International Conference on the Turin Shroud held in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. Here is the online description:
"A collection of reviewed and edited papers that were first presented at the 2019 International Conference on the Holy Shroud. This book is not the conference proceedings. The conference proceedings can be found on the Conference Website by clicking on ‘2019 Conference’ on our main page. Rather than publishing conference presentations, all contributors were asked to address reviewer concerns, and to revise papers as suggested by the editors. In this process, several papers were drastically reduced in size, a few were completely refocused, and some had to be rejected. Although this involved considerable work, it was well worth the effort. This book is the only resource to bring all aspects of Shroud research and interests together into one place, including views of the skeptics. It organizes studies into recognizable categories that can serve as the foundation for ongoing research into this amazing artifact." Now also available in an E-book PDF Full Colour Edition.
Paperback: 382 pages
Publisher: Doorway Publications (September 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0919857-95-7
In Search of the True Face Of Jesus: Brief Study of Religious Art, Icons and the Shroud by Gianluca Lopresti
This is available in Kindle Edition format and is free to read online. Here is the online description:
“A short book, but capable of responding directly and completely to some current issues. Is what we see represented in many works of art a face that resembles that of Jesus of Nazareth, or is it only the fruit of imagination? Is it possible to trace the true face of Jesus? Can religious art still be useful today or is it only the fruit of popular devotion? In addition to answering these and other questions, the book contains a very thorough and detailed study of icons, Byzantine coins and the Shroud of Turin. A separate section is dedicated to the icon of Christ Pantocrator of Mount Sinai, one of the oldest images of the face of Jesus.”
Kindle File size: 2933 KB (55 pages)
Publisher: Self published (July 29, 2020)
Language: English
Nuova luce sulla Sindone. Storia Scienza Spiritualità (Italian Edition) by Emanuela Marinelli
This is available in Kindle Edition format (in Italian). Here is an excerpt from the online description (via Google translate):
“An extraordinary presence cloaked in mystery: this is how the Shroud is placed on the path of humanity eager to answer the questions that involve the deepest meaning of its existence. Did that ancient cloth really wrap Jesus? Does the image we see tell us about his resurrection? How did that fragile sheet come down to us? To shed light on these enigmas, historical and scientific disciplines have come into play. New results thus emerged from the archives and laboratories, composing a fascinating mosaic of clues and evidence. At this point the journey goes further: in front of the Shroud «ours is not a simple observation, but it is a veneration, it is a look of prayer. I would say more: it is letting oneself be looked at ”(Pope Francis, 30 March 2013). This reversal of perspective is the culmination of an itinerary of knowledge that reaches the hidden meaning of the precious linen...”
Kindle File size: 6347 KB (246 pages)
Publisher: Ares (June 1, 2020)
Language: Italian
The Holy Shroud: Florence, the Knight Templar and the mystery of the Holy Cloth by Enrico Baccarini
This is available in Kindle Edition format only and is free to read online. Here is the online description:
“Enrico Baccarini is an Italian journalist who has unveiled the missing years of the Turin Shroud. The Shroud mysteriously appeared in 1353 in Lirey, in the hands of Geoffrey de Charney. But Baccarini has traced the Shroud back to Florence, to Walter VI, who briefly reigned over the city, before sent to France, where he connected with his relatives, de Charney family. Baccarini shows that there is far more mystery to Florence than commonly accepted, and that this dates back much earlier than commonly assumed, including the likes of Dante Alighieri.”
Kindle File size: 8363 KB (61 pages)
Publisher: Enigma Edizioni (April 12, 2020)
Language: English
ASIN: B08725W8DM
The Shroud of Turin: First Century after Christ! 2nd Edition by Giulio Fanti and Pierandrea Malfi
This is an updated version of Giulio's 2015 book. Here is an excerpt from the online description:
"The Shroud of Turin is the most important and studied relic in the world. The many scientific studies on the relic until today have failed to provide conclusive answers about the identity of the enveloped man and the dynamics regarding the image impressed therein. This book not only addresses these issues in a scientific and objective manner but also leads the reader through new search paths. In the second edition, besides including some of the most recent findings on the Shroud, the authors follow the many tips and comments received from readers. The Shroud’s dating by means of alternative methods has not been free from controversies, some of which have even implied the non-authenticity of the Shroud’s samples tested. So the authors duly expand Chapter 7 to include the proof of the origin of the samples used in the recent scientific research and also address the provenance and the path of the original sample..."
Hardcover: 516 pages
Publisher: Jenny Stanford Publishing; 2nd edition (January 10, 2020)
Language: English - Link to Italian Language Edition
ISBN-13: 978-9814800082
Posted November 7, 2020
Italian and Czech Language Translations Added
Italian and Czech Language Translations Added We have always been happy to add different language translations of articles and papers published on this website whenever the opportunity presented itself. In some cases, the original authors made multiple language versions available that we linked to. However, over the years, many of the translations we published were provided by volunteers who felt certain articles were so important they needed to be available in multiple languages and kindly provided links to versions they translated themselves. That is exactly the case in this update, thanks to our friend Fabio Quadrini in Italy. Fabio was one of my students at the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum in Rome and has kindly provided us with links to Italian language versions of some important articles in our archives. I am listing them below for your convenience, but all have also been permanently archived on the Scientific Papers & Articles page (alphabetically by title) and the Website Library page (alphabetically by author). Grazie mille Fabio!
MARKWARDT, Jack - "Antioch and the Shroud," a new theory of the cloth's history prior to the 6th century, illustrated with color transparencies. [June 1999] (From the 1999 Richmond Conference) - Antiochia e la Sindone - Italian language translation by Fabio Quadrini. [7 November 2020].
SCAVONE, Professor Daniel - Joseph of Arimathea, the Holy Grail and the Turin Shroud (Abstract) [1996] The full version of this paper is no longer available. - Giuseppe D’Arimatea, il Sacro Graal e la Sindone di Torino - Italian language translation by Fabio Quadrini.
SCAVONE, Professor Daniel - "Did Geoffroy I de Charny Obtain the Present Turin Shroud on the Smyrna Campaign of 1346" [2005] - Geoffrey I de Charny ottenne l’attuale Sindone di Torino nella Campagna di Smirne del 1346 - Italian language translation by Fabio Quadrini.
MOON, Pamela - The Lier Shroud and Lucas Cranach the Elder - Fully Illustrated and published on Pam's Shroud of Turin Exhibition website [7 June 2014] - La Sindone di Lierre e Lucas Cranach il Vecchio - Italian language translation by Fabio Quadrini.
In addition to the above Italian language translations, we also received a translation into the Czech language by Ivana Horak of an important paper by Dr. Robert Bucklin. Thank you Ivana! Here are the links:
BUCKLIN, Robert, M.D., J.D. - The Legal and Medical Aspects of the Trial and Death of Christ - Reprinted from Medicine, Science and the Law, January, 1970 - Právní a lékarskí aspekty soudu a smrti Krista by Ivana Horak [7 November 2020].
Posted November 7, 2020
Update on the Holy Face Billboard Project
Our good friend Val Kelly, Project Manager and founder of the Holy Face Project, sent us a new update on October 28, 2020, highlighting the progress made by her organization over the past six months. We are very pleased to have worked with Val since the inception of her ambitious project and are even more pleased to see how it has grown. I am reprinting the text of her update here:
"Throughout this tumultuous year, The Holy Face of Our Lord has continually graced our highways silently and powerfully reminding travelers of His Presence. During various timeframes, billboards have been displayed in Omaha NE (6 boards), Marshalltown IA (1 board), Marshall MN (1 board), Grand Island NE (1 board) Bismarck ND (2 boards), Newport KY (1 board), Greenville SC (5 boards), Hilton Head Island SC (1 board) and Richmond Hill GA (1 board).
"Millions of people have come across the Image of Our Lord as they travel these roadways. Some may see His reassuring Image daily as they travel to and from work. For others, it may be a one-time experience and perhaps a memorable one! Our prayer is that with all the apprehension, sadness, anxiety and division that has been happening in our country, perhaps a flicker of peace and calm is felt as Jesus lets us know He is with us and will remain. A visible reminder of His invisible arms around us.
"As effort, determination, communication, and perseverance are needed to follow through on each Holy Face project, we immensely appreciate all the project coordinators who have made their billboard installations a reality. Individuals, groups, and families have taken part in bringing Our Lord to their neighbors, friends, and community. Should you want to do so in your area or if you are able to help out with a supporting donation, kindly go to www.theholyfaceproject.com. For those of you that would like additional information on how to get your own billboard project up and running, please email me at info@theholyfaceproject.com."
Val KellyPosted November 7, 2020
Shroud Related Videos and Audios
One of the interesting side effects of the COVID-19 virus is the dramatic increase in the use of Zoom, Skype, YouTube and other online platforms in place of live, in-person interactions. That has resulted in an extraordinary number of new videos and audios in the form of podcasts and radio programs and many of them have been about the Shroud of Turin. Consequently, this update features a number of interviews with or presentations by notable Shroud scholars including, Fr. Eamon Kelly, Janis Winchester, Dr. Andrew Silverman, John Iannone, Dr. Cheryl White, Fr. Andrew Dalton, Tristan Casabianca, Fr. Peter Mangum, Bruno Barberis, Dr. Gilbert Lavoie and many more. Since there were too many items to include on this page, I have once again created a separate pdf file that includes all of the links and descriptions that you can download and view at your convenience (see link below). Items are listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top of the list.
Real Face of Jesus Virtual Tour – ticketsVirtual – July 19, 2020 – Video (3:14) – Brief video featuring the work of 3D Computer Graphics artist Ray Downing and his depictions of Jesus based on data taken from the Shroud of Turin.
Shroud Related Videos and Audios - November 2020 - Link to a single pdf document file that includes a compilation of more than 30 links to various Shroud related videos, radio programs and podcasts that appeared online in the past few months. You can simply download the pdf file and review the materials and links at your leisure.
Posted November 7, 2020
The Shroud on the Internet
Once again, the internet was overflowing with Shroud related content. As I have said before, deciding which items to include here is never easy, since we want to provide you with the most credible and interesting information available. Of course, we can't include everything on this page, or you would be scrolling forever. Since there continues to be so much good material, a better solution was to create a separate pdf file that includes ALL of the links, so you can simply download it and read it at your leisure. All the links are listed chronologically with the most recent item at the top.
La Sindone e Bernini is an Italian language website presenting evidence that the Italian sculptor Bernini used the Shroud of Turin as the basis for his most famous sculpture of Jesus. Here is an excerpt from a letter I received from Mr. Luca Mazza, Coordinator of the Organizing Secretariat of "La Sindone e Bernini," introducing me to their work: "The project was born from the photographic discovery made by Mrs. Daniela di Sarra (an Italian photographer) that the famous Italian artist Gianlorenzo Bernini (the 1600 Baroque Master defined by Pope Urban VIII as the "New Michelangelo"), in carving his Bust of the Saviour (the last, and most beloved piece of the Italian master, made at his own costs, and for his 'good death') carved the Face of Jesus taking it from the image of the Face o the Man of the Shroud in such a perfect way that the two images (the picture of the Face of the Bust and that of the Face of the Shroud) overlap almost perfectly, so that we now know which exactly was the real face of the Man of the Shroud, as carved by the greatest portraitist of all times..." YouTube videos of Mrs. Daniela di Sarra explaining her work are available in both English language and Italian language versions.
The Shroud on the Internet - November 2020 - Link to a single pdf document file that includes a compilation of more than 27 links to various Shroud related websites and internet articles that appeared online in the past few months. You can simply download the pdf file and review the materials and links at your leisure.
Posted November 7, 2020
Our Next Update
There aren't many websites that can claim to be 25 years old, but our next update, on January 21, 2021, marks our 25th Anniversary online! People have pointed out to me that we are the #1 organic search result on Google. I have pointed out to them that we are two years older than Google! As always, the next update will include the latest papers, books, articles, podcasts, videos and any breaking Shroud news, but it will also include a special feature I am planning for our 25th anniversary. To be sure you don't miss any important Shroud information as it occurs, check our STERA, Inc. Facebook page from time to time, since we now try and update it frequently to keep you informed between our regular website updates. You can also join our Website Mailing List and receive an e-mail whenever the site is updated (3 or 4 times per year) or any important Shroud news breaks. We hope you find this update interesting and informative and look forward to seeing you again next year. As this is our last update of the year, let me also take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a joyous and healthy New Year. Thank you all again for being there! You are truly appreciated. See you in 2021!
Barrie Schwortz
Editor & Founder, Shroud.com
President, STERA, Inc.Posted November 7, 2020
Spring/Summer Update! June 1, 2020
Needless to say, the past few months have probably been the most difficult any of us have had to experience in our entire lifetimes, and sadly, it is not over yet. We pray that all of you are staying safe. In spite of the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 virus, our focus remains on keeping our viewers informed regarding any important Shroud news, and there has been lots of it in the past few months. In fact, this is without doubt, the largest single website update in our nearly 25 year history! In addition to Easter, which historically sees our busiest web traffic, there was also the special veneration of the Shroud that was streamed live to millions of viewers around the world on April 11, 2020. As you know, we created a Special Update on April 5, 2020 to bring you that news. In addition, May 4th is the official Feast Day of the Holy Shroud and it was celebrated in Italy with several online events that you might have missed, so we are including links to them in this update. And it's not over yet. I have continued to add new items on a daily basis right up to the moment this update went online.
We begin with an important update from STERA, Inc., on the status of our latest projects and the effect the virus has had on our general operations. Next is a feature on the Feast Day of the Shroud followed by a report on the recent annual meeting of the CISS in Turin and my personal review of two recent Shroud documentaries in which I appeared. In addition, we are including links to a number of important new Shroud papers and books that were published since our last update, along with links to many new websites, internet articles, videos, audios, podcasts and much more. In fact, there were so many links that there were too many to include them all on this page, so we have created separate pdf files for each category that include all the relevant links. We normally would not include so many of them in one update, but with everyone staying home and spending more time on the internet, we thought you might like to have some extra reading materials, videos and podcasts to help pass the time. Let's begin:
Here is the Update Table of Contents:
- Important Update from STERA, Inc.
- Feast Day of the Holy Shroud Celebrated in Italy
- Turin's CISS Holds Annual Meeting via Zoom
- An Editorial and Review of Two Recent Shroud Documentaries
- Special Feature: Remembering STURP Team Member Dr. Joseph M. Gambescia
- In Memoriam - Piero Vercelli and Fr. Manuel Carreira
- Did You Notice?
- New Shroud Print Available
- Recently Published Papers & Articles
- Recently Published Books
- Update on the Holy Face Billboard Project
- Shroud Related Videos and Audios
- The Shroud on the Internet
- Our Next Update
- Special Update! April 5, 2020
Important Update from STERA, Inc.
The COVID-19 virus has definitely had an effect on STERA, Inc. Most people are locked down at home and can't work. I work at home so I'm locked down at work! Of course, that has allowed me to devote the time necessary to make this the single largest website update in our history (I have been working on it non-stop since mid-March). It has also given me the opportunity to update you on our current projects. Once I recover from the marathon of producing today's update, I will finally be able to start work on the scanning and digitizing of the more than 5000 35mm slides in the Paul Maloney Collection, which we discussed in detail in our November 6, 2019 update. Paul was able to examine and make photomicrographs of the Max Frei tape samples during the years they were in his possession and the result was a huge collection of important images that we hope to make available to researchers in the future.
Unfortunately, the virus has had one negative effect on STERA, Inc. All of my scheduled lectures and presentations this year have been cancelled. That means that all the modest honorariums charged for my appearances and paid directly to STERA, Inc. (not to me personally) have been lost. It is one of the few revenue streams STERA, Inc. has since we permit no advertising on this website and do not monetize our visitors the way most other websites do. Historically, we only do one fundraising drive each year, usually in our fall update. However, with the financial impact the virus has had, we are asking for your support early this year. If you want to help, you can safely make an online contribution via our Secure Contribution Form, where you can use your credit/debit card or PayPal account to support our work. For those in the United States (and several other countries), your donation is fully tax deductible. Also, if you are an Amazon shopper (and who isn't?), you can support STERA, Inc. without spending one extra penny via Amazon Smile. Just use this link: STERA, Inc. gateway to Amazon Smile (or the above graphic) and shop normally. Amazon will donate .5% of your purchase to STERA, Inc. and charges no fees for this service. You can even set your browser so you always enter Amazon via that link. That way, you can support both STERA, Inc. and Jeff Bezos! Seriously, please trust that your ongoing support is truly appreciated. Thank you again and stay safe.
Barrie Schwortz
President, STERA, Inc.Posted June 1, 2020
Feast Day of the Holy Shroud Celebrated in Italy
May 4th is the official feast day of the Shroud and to celebrate this in Italy, a special online Facebook event called Festa della Sindone 2020 was held on Sunday, May 3rd. It was hosted by ChaTo, Chemins Du Saint Suaire, In Viaggio con la Sindone. The event included brief videos (some in Italian and some in English) by many well known and highly respected Shroud scholars, including Emanuela Marinelli, Alberto Di Giglio, Ada Grossi, Marco Ginatta, Fr. Rafael Pascual, Giorgio Bracaglia, Joe Marino, Russ Breault, Dr. Cheryl White, Fr. Peter Mangum, Bishop Francis I. Malone, Italian journalist Franca Giusti, Tristan Casabianca and many more. Once on the page, scroll to the bottom and click on "See Discussion" to access the 46 posts in the program.
In addition to the above event, the International Center for the Study of the Shroud (CISS) in Turin hosted an online Italian language event on YouTube titled Voci per la Sindone (Voices for the Shroud). Here is an English translation of the event description: "A symphony of voices for the Shroud. On Monday 4 May 2020, on the day dedicated to the Linen that traditionally wrapped the lifeless body of Jesus, after the sufferings of the Cross, the International Center of Studies on the Shroud offers a video of readings and reflections on the message that the Cloth launches to the world." The event included videos from many prominent Shroud scholars, including Gian Maria Zaccone, Walter Memmolo, Bruno Barberis, Fr. Rafael Pascual, Don Roberto Gottardo, Mons Giuseppe Ghiberti and many others.
Also on May 4th, an excellent feature article was published online (in Italian) at papaboys.org titled, 4 Maggio 2020. Memoria Liturgica della Sacra Sindone, which includes a large selection of high quality photographs of the Shroud. Our thanks to Joe Marino for providing us with the English translation of the text titled, May 4, 2020. Liturgical Memory of the Holy Shroud, which we have reprinted in a pdf file that includes all the images as well.
Posted June 1, 2020
Turin's CISS Holds Annual Meeting via Zoom
On Saturday, May 9, 2020, the Centro Internazionale di Studi Sulla Sindone or CISS (International Study Center on the Shroud) in Turin held its Annual General Meeting via Zoom this year in light of the COVID-19 virus issues. The 27 attendees included member Shroud scholars from seven countries, representing Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, the United States and the United Kingdom. As one of the attendees, I found the online meeting was actually a great way to interact and see some of our distant friends while discussing various aspects of the organization's current and future plans from the safety and comfort of our homes. I personally believe this will become the new "normal" once the virus issues have passed. As an added benefit, it also makes it easier for more meetings to be held during the course of a year which can definitely improve the capabilities and efficiency of any organization, particularly one with so many international members.
The meeting, which lasted around two hours, enabled the members to review the abstracts of a number of peer reviewed papers published during the past year and discuss some important recent events, like the online streaming Veneration of the Shroud on April 11, 2020 and the Feast Day of the Shroud on May 4, 2020. Also discussed was the successful launch of the first issue of the bilingual, digital edition of Sindon, which premiered online in both Italian and English in January of this year, as we reported in our Anniversary Update. Finally, plans for next year's Annual Meeting were discussed, with the possibility the event would be held in Oviedo, Spain. A special note of thanks to Enrico Simonato, Center Secretary, for organizing and managing the meeting itself.
Posted June 1, 2020
An Editorial and Review of Two Recent Shroud Documentaries
An Editorial and Review of Two Recent Shroud Documentaries
(Link to Discovery Science Channel's "Legend of the Turin Shroud" - Link no longer available)Once again, this Easter season was graced with several new (or slightly used) documentaries about the Shroud. As regular readers know, I have written a number of editorials over the years, discouraging folks from using television documentaries as a basis for Shroud studies. Although I hate to do it, I have also written reviews of some of the documentaries that were produced in recent years. Since I appeared in two of the most recent ones, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and write a single review of both, so please forgive me in advance for its length. Rather than posting it on this page, I decided to simply include it here as a separate pdf file. I call it, "An Editorial and Review of the very last Shroud documentary I will ever appear in!"
In all fairness, I have linked the above image to the Discovery Science Channel's website where you can view the entire "Legend of the Turin Shroud" program for yourself. Please note that this is NOT a recommendation to watch it, but if you do, be prepared to be disappointed, frustrated and even angered. I personally believe this may well be one of the worst programs ever produced about the Shroud of Turin. Don't waste your valuable time on this one. (NOTE: The link was removed by the Discovery Channel).
Posted June 1, 2020
Special Feature: Remembering STURP Team Member Dr. Joseph M. Gambescia
Remembering STURP Team Member Dr. Joseph M. Gambescia This past March I received a phone call from Stephen Gambescia, the son of the late 1978 STURP Team member, Dr. Joseph M. Gambescia, who is probably one of the least known members of the team today since he passed away in 1991. Dr. Gambescia was a formal member of the team and provided his medical expertise in the development of STURP's original test plan and participated afterwards in the analysis of the data STURP collected. In fact, he continued his Shroud research for the remainder of his life. Since his primary involvement with STURP took place post-examination, he was not one of the primary researchers needed in Turin during the examination itself. However, he flew to Turin at his own expense just to be there to support the team. Stephen and I talked about his father and the contributions he made to the study of the Shroud and discussed the idea of publishing this memorial as a way to honor his father and educate the Shroud world to his father's contributions. About a week later I received an e-mail from Stephen, along with a number of attached articles and other information about Dr. Gambescia. I am including below an excerpt from Stephen's e-mail along with links to the documents he provided. Dr. Gambescia made many of his contributions behind the scenes, but he was an important member of the STURP team, highly respected by all his colleagues and his thirty years as a researcher, lecturer and educator brought accurate Shroud information to a whole generation.
"Here are some materials that may be of interest to the Shroud.com project. On behalf of our family, we do appreciate anything you can do to capture the work of my father, Joseph M. Gambescia. He was a humble man, and I have worked with his archives to ensure that the record of his contribution is documented.
"As we discussed, he was not a primary researcher as he did not have something material to exam - kind of like doing an autopsy without a body. Therefore he and Dr. Bucklin consulted with the scientists to validate ideas and theories related to the image of the Shroud. Paul Maloney did document his contribution to be the first major researcher to hypothesize two nails in the feet of the man of the Shroud in a paper presented at the 2014 St. Louis Conference titled, Joseph M. Gambescia, M.D. and the Position of the Feet on the Shroud of Turin. The History of an Investigation."
Here are the documents Stephen sent to us:
Remembering Joseph M. Gambescia - A Man of Science and Faith by Stephen F. Gambescia - American Catholic Studies, Vol 128 Issue 4, 2017, pp109-117 - A brief 2,000 word article about his work, including the Shroud, published in an academic journal.
Curriculum Vitae and Brief Bio of Joseph M. Gambescia - With expanded biographical data.
Joseph Marion Gambescia, M.D. - Sindonologist - One-page summary of Dr. Gambescia as a Sindonologist.
Various Articles and Clippings About Dr. Joseph M. Gambescia's Shroud of Turin Research - 50 pages of articles and clippings documenting Dr. Gambescia's 30 years of Shroud research.
Posted June 1, 2020
In Memoriam
Piero Vercelli Early in April I received the sad news from Aldo Guerreschi and Giulio Fanti that highly respected Italian textile expert and Shroud scholar, Piero Vercelli had passed away. I never knew him personally but, like so many Shroud scholars, am familiar with his work. I am including below a brief curriculum vitae that Aldo kindly provided. Our sincerest sympathies and condolences to Piero's family, friends and colleagues. Rest in peace.
Barrie SchwortzOn March 28, 2020, Piero Vercelli returned to the Father.
Born in Chieri (Turin) in 1939, proven textile expert, entrepreneur and scholar of the Shroud, on 8 October 1997 he had examined the remaining Shroud fabric (the Reserve) preserved in the Curia in Turin and part of the strip cut on 21 April 1988 for C14 exam.
He established the textile characteristics that allowed him to reconstruct and producea Shroud-like fabric.
He presented the result and the technical data at the Turin Symposium of 2-5 March 2000 and in a detailed report at the Paris International Congress of 25-26 April 2002.
In 2010 he published "The Shroud in its textile structure" Ed. Effetà.
He has collaborated with various sindonologists in various studies on this subject.
Giulio also mentioned, "I add that he kindly furnished to my University a piece of his Shroud-like fabric for my experiments on Corona Discharge and just in October 2019 we spoke about a new production of a Shroud-like sheet. Unfortunately he had not the time to fulfill this task."
In Memoriam
Fr. Manuel Carreira I must also sadly report the passing of Fr. Manuel Carreira, Spanish astrophysicist, highly regarded Shroud scholar, theologian, philosopher and Jesuit priest, on February 4, 2020. Our thanks to Shroud Science Group member Gertrud Wally for letting us know of his passing. I had the privilege of meeting and spending time with him discussing the Shroud and its image when I lectured at the University Francisco de Vitoria in Madrid in 2011. He was certainly one of the foremost Shroud scholars in the world and he surely will be missed. We send our sincerest sympathies and condolences to his family, friends, colleagues and students and pray he rests in peace. Here is a link to a Spanish language article that appeared on infoCatolica.com titled, Fallece el P. Manuel Carreira, sacerdote, teólogo, filósofo y astrofísico. I am including an English translation below:
Member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit), Father Manuel Carreira, priest, theologian, philosopher and astrophysicist, dies
The Society of Jesus reported today that yesterday afternoon in Salamanca, at the age of 89, Father Manuel Carreira Vérez, sj, priest, theologian, philosopher and Spanish astrophysicist died. 2/4/20 6:34 PM
(Ecclesia) Father Carreira was born in Villarube (Coruña) on 05/31/1931, entered the Society of Jesus on 11/12/1948, was ordained in West Waden (USA) on 06/12/1960 by Monsignor Paul Shulte and made his last vows in Cleveland (USA) on 02/02/1966.
He was a member of the Vatican Observatory, to whose board of directors he belonged for fifteen years, as well as an advisor and collaborator in various NASA projects. In 1999 the Xunta de Galicia awarded him the Castelao Medal.
In addition to being an advisor and collaborator in various NASA projects, Fr. Manuel Carreira Vérez was a 32-year professor of Philosophy of Nature at the University of Comillas in Madrid; and Physics and Astronomy in Washington and Cleveland.
Likewise, he gave several courses and seminars, such as the lecture "Christian faith, science and miracles" that he gave in 2005 at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru during the 18th Meeting of Catholic University Students.
Posted June 1, 2020
Did You Notice?
For many years, the home page of this website displayed one of the natural color photographs that I made of the Shroud in 1978. Consequently, it did not reflect the changes in appearance that took place after the Shroud was "restored" in 2002. In essence, mine was a pre-restoration photograph. Since we respect everyone's copyrights, we could not use one of the more recent post-restoration photographs without permission. Not long ago, our good friend in Turin, Enrico Simonato, CISS Secretary, sent me a digital file of the restored Shroud taken by Durante in 2002 and granted us permission to include it on this site. In fact, it is that new image that now appears on our front page. Did you notice? But that's not all. Try rolling your cursor back and forth over the new photograph and the page background and the older photograph is revealed. By going back and forth between the two images, you can do a rough comparison of them Don't forget that nearly 25 years had passed between the taking of my photographs and those of Durante. Also, after the restoration it was reported that the Shroud was now 7 cm longer than before, so the comparison between the two isn't perfect. The comparison should work well on all computer browsers and most smart phones. Note that the new image seems to be a color and contrast enhanced version compared to other natural color versions of Durante's photographs we have seen, but it also helps to make the image more visible. We are grateful to the Centro and the Archdiocese of Turin for making it available to us. [Editor's Note: I tested this on an Android phone and it worked by clicking on the image once to change it and clicking outside the image once to change it back. I also tested this using the Safari browser on an iPad and you can click the image once to change it, but you have to reload the page to go back to the original view. The same is true on an iPhone].
Posted June 1, 2020
New Shroud Print Available
We have received countless requests over the past few years for a lifesize print of the Shroud face that people could frame and display in their homes. However, the initial cost for us to print these lithographically would be very high and the ability for us to control the quality of the finished prints would still be limited. Since these are made from my original photographs, I want to provide you with the best quality possible. To solve the problem and create something truly worthwhile, we worked with the fine art printer who produces our lifesize prints, transparencies and replicas and created a new, lifesize Shroud face in the format of a Fine Art Print. Each is custom printed digitally onto 16" x 20" double weight Ilford premium photographic paper and each is hand signed by the photographer. Each print is also embossed with an "Authentic Barrie M. Schwortz Collection Original Digital Print" seal. You can read more and get the details on the Website Store page of the site.
Posted June 1, 2020
Recently Published Papers & Articles
Many new papers and articles have been published in recent months and we are including them here along with some earlier papers that you might find interesting. The papers are listed chronologically, with the most recent paper at the top of the list. All have also been permanently archived on the Scientific Papers & Articles page (alphabetically by title) and the Website Library page (alphabetically by author).
Ultraviolet 365 as an Alternative Light Source for Detection of Blood Serum by Kelly Kearse - Journal of Forensic Sciences, 28 April 2020 (Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue) - Here is an excerpt from the Abstract: "...In this report, the detection of human blood serum was evaluated using ultraviolet (UV) light at two different wavelengths. These results show that ultraviolet (UV) at 365 nm (UV365) was effective in the detection of even small amounts of blood plasma and serum, compared with UV at 395 nm, which was not. UV365 was also found to be useful in distinguishing blood imprints from clotting blood which had been transferred to material versus blood that had been added directly. Taken together, these results demonstrate that UV365 may be utilized as a simple, nondestructive method for blood serum detection." [Editor's Note: Although the Shroud of Turin is never directly mentioned in this article, the methods and conclusions discussed are completely relevant to Shroud research].
Recently Published Papers & Articles - June 2020 - This is a link to a single pdf document file that includes links to eight papers, some of which appeared in academic journals. Authors represented include Kelly Kearse, Tristan Casabianca, Giovanni Fazio, Larry Stalley, Erich Junger and Andrew Casper. You can either read it now or simply download the pdf file and review the materials at your leisure.
Posted June 1, 2020
Recently Published Books
Recently Published Books A number of new Shroud related books have recently been or are soon to be published, and some of them are extremely skeptical. Please remember that we list them here as a convenience to our readers, but inclusion on this website is not an endorsement by the Editor or Board of Directors of STERA, Inc. of the methods or conclusions of the authors. We believe our readers need to decide about the Shroud for themselves and feel obligated to include the skeptical points of view as well. We have also permanently archived the new titles on the Shroud of Turin Booklist page (alphabetically by author). To make it easy to find the newest additions, we have annotated their listings with "(Added 1 June 2020)" so you can simply search for that phrase on the Booklist page should you forget the titles.
Wrapped Up In The Shroud: Chronicle of a Passion by Joseph G. Marino (Revised and updated edition)
This is a revised and updated edition of Joe Marino's 2011 book. It has 78 more pages and includes two brand new chapters. Here is an excerpt from the online description:
"...Working together, Mr. Marino and his wife, M. Sue Benford, co-authored several articles postulating a medieval re-weave as the probable cause of the unexpected and aberrant medieval date of the l988 radiocarbon testing. Their hypothesis was confirmed by a Los Alamos chemist, the late Raymond N. Rogers, who published his findings in a peer-reviewed academic journal. The memoir takes a poignant turn when Benford is diagnosed with a fast-growing cancer. Providing a valuable bonus for serious devotees of the Shroud, Marino makes available for the first time, much significant previously unpublished material, including private correspondence from several key Shroud scientists, including Rogers and the infamous skeptic, the late Walter McCrone."
Paperback: 440 pages
Publisher: Bowker Identifier Services (May 13, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1734813024
ISBN-13: 978-1734813029
The Holy Shroud: A Brilliant Hoax in the Time of the Black Death by Gary Vikan
This is the latest from Gary Vikan, a long time, vocal critic of the Shroud's authenticity. Here is an excerpt from the book's online description:
"The history of the Christian church is strewn with holy relics and artifacts, none more controversial than the Shroud of Turin, the supposed burial cloth of Christ. In The Holy Shroud Gary Vikan shows that the shroud is not the burial cloth of Jesus, but rather a photograph-like body print of a medieval Frenchman created by a brilliant artist serving the royal court in the time of the Black Death."
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Pegasus Books; 1 edition (May 5, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1643134329
ISBN-13: 978-1643134321
Turiner Grabtuch-Botschaften- Mysterium und Wahrzeichen für unsere Zeit (Turin Shroud Messages, Mystery and Emblem for our Day) by Dr. Gisela Heinz and Peter Kutzki
Written in German, an e-book with an English translation of a shorter version is planned. Here is an English translation provided by the authors of an excerpt from the book's description:
"...This book is a useful companion for understanding better the true nature of the Christian God. It answers the questions about the authenticity and the purpose of the shroud of Christ. In particular, it seeks to prove true nature of God as the "Trinity" in one person. The details described in the book are taken from texts of German mysticism, the New Revelation. These details were not known before the scientific examinations of the shroud. When comparing the results of the research to the shroud with the statements of the prophets, the authenticity of the shroud and the truths of the New Revelation are reciprocally confirmed." The English language version is now available in paperback at this link: Turin Shroud Messages, Mystery and Emblem for our Day.
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Books on Demand, 1. Edition (April 30, 2020)
Language: German
ISBN-13: 978-3751907378
The Power of His Holy Face: For Your Life! by William Timmerman
Here is the book's online description:
"The author is very frustrated. He has this strong belief that there are powerful graces that flow from the Holy Face of Jesus, but he cannot get other people to believe him even his many “friends” on Facebook. He cites what Jesus himself told saintly people about the power of his image and reminds readers of the many passages in the Bible that direct believers “To seek the Face of God”. He maintains that a visual image and “presence” are intricately linked together. The book focuses on three famous images of Jesus: Veil of Veronica, Shroud of Turin and the Divine Mercy image. He hopes by the end of the book he will have convinced the reader that the power in the Holy Face of Jesus images is real."
Paperbackr: 61 pages
Publisher: Independently published (March 24, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 979-8630240712
The Shroud of Turin: The History and Legends of the World's Most Famous Relic by Andrea Nicolotti
Andrea Nicolotti is a well known Italian Shroud skeptic. Here is an excerpt from the book's online description:
"...Shrouds, so some claim, provide visible testimony to faith. One in particular has drawn the interest of scholars, clergy, and the public alike: the Shroud of Turin. In The Shroud of Turin, Andrea Nicolotti chronicles the history of this famous cloth, including its circuitous journey from the French village of Lirey to its home in the Italian city of Turin, as well as the fantastical claims surrounding its origin and modern scientific efforts to prove or disprove its authenticity..."
Hardcover: 524 pages
Publisher: Baylor University Press (March 1, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1481311476
ISBN-13: 978-1481311472
Posted June 1, 2020
Update on the Holy Face Billboard Project
Below is the letter we received on January 16, 2020, from our good friend Val Kelly, Project Manager and founder of the Holy Face Project. We received this too late to include in our January 21st Anniversary Update, so we are including it today:
"Hello everyone, just a quick update on The Holy Face Project. We currently are maintaining the billboards of The Holy Face of Jesus near Pritchardville, SC (past three years) and Richmond Hill, GA (one year). Both boards have realized 1 million impressions (eyes on) per year. We have a billboard up in Omaha, NE - three blocks from a Planned Parenthood facility - that will realize 7,000,000 impressions this year and a second one is scheduled for installation for this Lenten season at an additional location in Omaha. Additional interested parties in Florida, New Jersey, Ohio and Nebraska are moving forward in various stages of organizing and fundraising for their local projects. The Holy Face Project had a presence at The Marian Eucharistic Conference this past fall in Greenville, SC and several parties from various states have expressed interest for more information on how to bring this project to their communities.
An article about our project has just recently been submitted by journalist Patti Armstrong to the National Catholic Register for publication. [Editor's Note: The article was titled, Bring the Face of Jesus to Your City or Town and was published in the NCR on January 30, 2020].
If you have a minute, please check out our website at www.theholyfaceproject.com. For those of you that would like additional information on how to get your own billboard project up and running, please email me at info@theholyfaceproject.com.
God bless, Val.
VAL KELLY - THE HOLY FACE PROJECTMore recently, Val sent us an updated report on their progress, so we are including a copy of it here: The Holy Face Project April Update
Posted June 1, 2020
Shroud Related Videos and Audios
I was truly surprised by the huge number of videos, radio programs and audio podcasts about the Shroud of Turin that were posted online over the past few months. They often featured interviews and debates with noted Shroud scholars and skeptics and some were religious themed and from clergyman relating the Shroud to the Easter story. In fact, many churches made the Shroud the theme of their Easter messages and, because of social distancing, either streamed them live or posted them online. With the online streaming veneration of the Shroud on April 11th, Easter and the Feast Day of the Shroud on May 4th, there were so many that we could not include them all on this page (or you would be scrolling forever). Instead we created a separate pdf file that you can find linked below that can be downloaded and reviewed at your leisure. Even then however, there were far too many to include, so consider this just a sampling of what was available. And it hasn't slowed down very much since. As of this writing, they just keep coming and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight! Our thanks to Joe Marino for the many hours of online research he did to find and send them to us. Items are listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top of the list.
The Royal Museums in Turin - MiBACT - March 15, 2020 - Video (12:53) - Beautiful music video montage of many of the amazing artifacts on display in the Royal Museums of Turin. This is definitely a "must see" video.
Shroud Related Videos and Audios - June 2020 - Link to a single pdf document file that includes a compilation of more than 40 links to various Shroud related videos, radio programs and podcasts that appeared online in the past few months. You can simply download the pdf file and review the materials at your leisure.
Posted June 1, 2020
The Shroud on the Internet
The internet was ablaze with Shroud related content in the past few months, in part because of a trifecta of important events that all occurred within just a few weeks: the streaming media exhibition of the Shroud on Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday and the Feast Day of the Shroud on May 4th. As I have said before, deciding which items to include here is never easy, since we want to provide you with the most credible and interesting information available. This time however, there was so much good material that we had to find a better solution. I know I am repeating myself, but instead of including them all on this page (which would keep you scrolling forever), we created a separate pdf file that includes ALL of the links, which you can simply download at the link below and read at your leisure. All the links are listed chronologically with the most recent item at the top.
Shroudstories.com is a new Shroud website produced by author R.A. Williams, who has written several fiction books in which the Shroud is the focus of the story. The site is obviously presented from a religious point of view, but it also includes a very good overview of the Shroud from a scientific, historical and biblical perspective in several fully illustrated pdf files. The author also includes information about the Sudarium of Oviedo, believed by many to be the facecloth mentioned in the Gospels. The site is nicely designed and everything is well presented in an interesting and visual manner. [Editor's Note: Joe Marino informed me of this website on January 21st of this year, too late for inclusion in our last update, so we are happy to include it here today].
The Shroud on the Internet - June 2020 - Link to a single pdf document file that includes a compilation of more than 30 links to various Shroud related internet articles that appeared online in the past few months. You can simply download the pdf file and review the materials at your leisure.
Posted June 1, 2020
Our Next Update
Considering the size of today's update and the ten weeks I spent producing it, I will need a little break before starting the next one! Of course, this update should provide you with enough reading and viewing material to keep you busy until Fall, and that is when I expect to publish the next update. We have frequently updated the site in October, so that would be my best guess at the moment. As always, the update will include the latest papers, books, articles, podcasts, videos and any breaking Shroud news. To be sure you don't miss any important Shroud information as it occurs, check our STERA, Inc. Facebook page from time to time, since we now try and update it frequently to keep you informed between our regular website updates. You can also join our Website Mailing List and receive an e-mail whenever the site is updated (3 or 4 times per year) or any important Shroud news breaks. We hope you find this update interesting and useful. Thank you all again for being there! It is deeply appreciated.
Barrie Schwortz
Editor & Founder, Shroud.com
President, STERA, Inc.Posted June 1, 2020
Special Update! April 5, 2020
Shroud On Television and Social Media April 11, 2020
Special Showing of the Shroud Announced by the Archbishop of Turin
(Above link to 4:39 Italian language video on YouTube)UPDATE April 13, 2020: In case you missed it on Saturday, here is the entire live streaming Shroud event from the Turin Cathedral with a complete English translation and an introduction by Bruno Barberis. This is the full program and runs 2:18:36. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/P7BmsSE_4Wk.
UPDATE April 10, 2020: Here is the link for the RAI 3 live streaming Shroud event on Saturday, April 11, 2020 from 10:55 AM to 11:30 AM Eastern time (courtesy of our good friend Giorgio Bracaglia): https://webtvhd.com/rai-tre-live.php. Here is a link to another online resource where you can watch the event in Turin (thanks to our good friend Bruno Barberis). It runs from 11:01 AM to 12:05 PM Eastern time on https://www.tv2000.it/live/. Here in the U.S., you will also be able to watch the event on EWTN. It is showing at 11:00am Eastern, 8:00am Pacific time in a program titled, "Veneration of the Shroud."
On Saturday, April 4, 2020, Mons. Cesare Nosiglia, the Archbishop of Turin, announced that on Saturday, April 11, 2020, there will be an extraordinary veneration of the Shroud in the Turin Cathedral, which will be broadcast live on RAI 1 and on social media platforms. According to the official website, it will also be available via www.sindone.org. Currently, the page is only available in the Italian language but includes links to several important pdf documents, so we are also including links to them here, along with English translations of each courtesy of Joe Marino.
- Intervento dell’arcivescovo di Torino e vescovo di Susa, mons. Cesare Nosiglia, alla conferenza stampa in diretta streaming dall’Arcivescovado di Torino (Italian language pdf version)
Intervention of the Archbishop of Turin and Bishop of Susa, Msgr. Cesare Nosiglia, at the press conference in live streaming from the Archbishopric of Turin (English language pdf version)
- Comunicato stampa = In preghiera davanti alla Sindone: diretta tv e social sabato 11 aprile (Italian language pdf version)
Press Release - In prayer before the Shroud: live TV and social media on Saturday April 11 (English language pdf version)In addition to the above articles that came directly from Turin, there were several other reports in the media (and I expect more to come this week leading up to the event) so we are including links to some of them here. We will update this list if other important articles become available.
- Shroud of Turin to be shown via TV and social media for coronavirus outbreak by Elise Ann Allen, Senior Correspondent, CRUX, Apr 4, 2020 (English language web article)
- Shroud of Turin Goes on Rare Display Amid Coronavirus Pandemic by Francis X. Rocca, Wall Street Journal, April 5, 2020 (Site requires subscription to read entire article)
- Archdiocese to livestream display Shroud of Turin on Holy Saturday, Catholic News Service, April 5, 2020
- Shroud of Turin will go on virtual display for Easter by Jorge Fitz-Gibbon, New York Post, April 5, 2020
- Holy Saturday: Prayer with the Shroud of Turin, Vatican News, April 6, 2020
- Archdiocese to livestream display of Shroud of Turin on Holy Saturday, Catholic Herald (UK), April 6, 2020
- Shroud Of Turin To Be Displayed Before Easter by Adam Elrashidi, Newsy, April 6. 2020
- Pope expresses gratitude for exposition of the Shroud of Turin, Vatican News, April 10, 2020
In an effort to get this update online promptly, I am intentionally keeping it brief and not including a lot of additional Shroud materials. The only exception I am making is a link to a Live Facebook Presentation that took place on April 4, 2020 with Dr. Cheryl White and Fr. Peter Mangum of the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans in Shreveport, Louisiana. (In case you don't have access to Facebook, here is a link to the Facebook Presentation on YouTube). Their Museum of the Holy Shroud features the superb Richard Orareo Collection and I thought you would enjoy seeing it. Dr. White stated that the idea for holding the live streaming event was born when all in-person Shroud lectures were cancelled this year. The video (1:30:47) is available at the above link and starts with a look at some of the Orareo Collection materials on display in the Museum. That is followed by in depth Shroud presentations by Dr. White and Fr. Mangum. The next regular website update will go online sometime in May and will include a full report on these events along with much more. Stay safe and healthy and we'll see you in May!
Barrie SchwortzPosted April 5, 2020
Updated April 13, 2020
24th Anniversary Update! January 21, 2020
Happy New Year and welcome to our 24th Anniversary website update! I still find it hard to believe that so many years have passed since I first hit the "Send' button and put Shroud.com online. Frankly, back in 1996, I never really expected this to grow into the huge website it has become or to go as far as it has. (We have consistently been the #1 organic result for Google searches on "Shroud of Turin" since we first went online). Of course, the internet itself exploded around 1998 and after that, all bets were off! I was in it for the long haul, although I didn't know that at the time, and now, it is 24 years later! I am very grateful to you, our viewers, for your steadfast support over all those years. I also must acknowledge and express my deepest gratitude to the many respected Shroud scholars who have contributed their hard work and materials over the years and helped make this website a great success. We could not have done it without all of you!
We start this update with news of an important new paper from two highly respected, long time Shroud researchers. That is followed by the unveiling of our new page dedicated to the recent Shroud conference held in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada (which includes links to most of the presentations). Also included is the latest update on the upcoming Shroud conference in Troyes, France, and an exclusive report on the recent Shroud event in Washington, D.C. That is followed by an article that brings some clarity to the recent reports of a public Shroud exhibition this year. We are also happy to announce the return of the Italian journal Sindon, digitally, and in both English and Italian and the latest issue of the BSTS Newsletter. In addition, we are including links to a number of important new Shroud books that were published since our last update, along with links to many new internet articles, videos, audios, podcasts and much more. Happy reading!
Here is the Update Table of Contents:
- Important New Paper from Bryan Walsh and Larry Schwalbe
- New Ancaster Shroud Conference Page Now on Shroud.com
- Update on March Shroud Symposium in Troyes, France
- Exclusive Report: Museum of the Bible Hosts Shroud Event in Washington, D.C.
- Will There Really Be a "Public Display" in December 2020? Actually, No.
- Sindon Returns (and Now It's Digital and Bilingual)
- Latest BSTS Newsletter Issue #90 Now Available
- Recently Published Books
- Recently Published Papers & Articles
- Shroud Related Videos and Audios
- The Shroud on the Internet
- Over 1.6 Million Visits in 2019
- 2020 Lecture Schedule
- Our Next Update
Important New Paper from Bryan Walsh and Larry Schwalbe
An instructive inter-laboratory comparison: The 1988 radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin
by Bryan Walsh and Larry SchwalbeI rarely include researcher's names in the headlines of the lead-in articles on this page, but today's case is an exception. That is because a new, peer reviewed paper has just been published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports by two near legendary long time Shroud researchers, Bryan Walsh, founder and director of the Shroud Center of Richmond, Virginia and Larry Schwalbe, physicist from Los Alamos National Laboratory and original STURP team member. (Try searching on either of their names via our Website Search Engine and you will see what I mean). Their new paper is titled, An instructive inter-laboratory comparison: The 1988 radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin, and according to Bryan, went through a very extensive review process. Bryan told me over a year ago that he and Larry were working on the paper but the review process stretched out over many months. I am thrilled that we can finally announce its publication. It does get a bit technical in places, but that is to be expected considering the subject matter and the qualifications of the authors. It has been some years since Bryan and Larry last published any of their Shroud research and we are thrilled to have them back! Here is the abstract:
"We review the statistical method cited in the report of the radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin. Following strict analytical protocol, we find the Shroud data to be heterogeneous, while data from three control samples show no heterogeneity. We consider two potential sources for the Shroud data heterogeneity. The first, an approximate linear dependence of the dates on the original sample locations suggests a variation in the carbon isotopic composition. The second, differences in the cleaning protocols of the three laboratories may have given rise to differences in residual contamination. We suggest experiments to test the two competing hypotheses."
Here are the Highlights:
- An exploration of the Shroud dating shows the data to be statistically heterogeneous;
- A relationship between the date and the physical location of the samples is identified;
- An hypothesis that sample contamination is one source of heterogeneity is explored;
- A proposal to date a Shroud sample now in Tucson is proposed.
UPDATE: Here is an e-mail I received on January 20, 2020 from co-author Bryan Walsh:
"To bring you up-to-date, I've been in touch with the inventor of the ringing mode Atomic Force microscope and he's enthused about using his instrument to non-destructively map the surface of one of the Shroud samples and provide both images and measurements of nearly a dozen physical characteristics of the surface and any contaminants on it. I think it's important to physically and chemically characterize the sample using non-destructive means before performing a radiocarbon dating on it since you can't know exactly what you're dating unless you have first characterized it. Simple microscopic evaluation will only detect very gross contaminants.
"So, the desire to radiocarbon date the char and debris removed in the 2002 'restoration' may be premature since there's no way to know just what's being radiocarbon dated along with the linen fabric. Given what we noted in the paper we wrote, both Larry and I believe it's important to first assess the sample for its physical and chemical characteristics before attempting to radiocarbon date it. I hope this helps. Bryan."Posted January 21, 2020
New Ancaster Shroud Conference Page Now on Shroud.com
I am truly pleased to unveil our new Ancaster Shroud Conference page in this anniversary update. The conference, titled, Science, Theology and the Turin Shroud, was held on Wednesday, August 14, 2019 to Saturday, August 17, 2019, at Redeemer University in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. The event was sponsored by the Arthur C. Custance Centre for Science and Christianity, Mark Antonacci and the Test the Shroud Foundation and organized by long time Shroud scholar Dr. Gary Chiang, professor emeritus at the university. More than 70 registrants attended the event and speakers came from the USA (8 states), Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, France, Spain, and the U.K.
Although we are still waiting to receive the last of the presentations that were made at the event, the new page already includes links to most of the papers, PowerPoints, Abstracts and videos that were presented, along with links to photographs of all the presenters who attended. Of course, we will update the page with any new additions as soon as we receive them. I think you will find many of the presentations enlightening and all of them very interesting. As a special bonus, we are also including links to a number of brief interview videos with presenters and guests made by Ricardo Garza of Crossover Media, LLC, during the conference. This new page contains links to a lot of information so you will probably need to spend some time exploring it all. Our sincere thanks to all the sponsors, organizers and participants who made the event a real success!
Posted January 21, 2020
Update on March Shroud Symposium in Troyes, France
In our November 6, 2019 website update we included news of an upcoming symposium that will take place on March 27 & 28, 2020 in the city of Troyes, France. Our dear friend Mario Latendresse, noted Shroud scholar, founder of Sindonology.org and the superb ShroudScope, kindly informed us of the event and just sent us the Preliminary Program (French language), which we are including in this update. If you are interested in attending the event, you can Register for the Conference here (French language). You can also reach Mario by e-mail at the following address: info at sindonology dot org (written that way to avoid web robots). We are repeating here the details that Mario sent us last year:
"A symposium on the history of the shroud of Lirey-Chambéry-Turin will take place on March 27-28, 2020, at the city of Troyes, France. This symposium is part of an exhibition on the history of the Saint Suaire of Lirey at the archives of Aube. The talks, in French, will take place on the first day at the archives of the department of Aube, at Troyes (see above photo). Attending the talks is free of charge, but registration is required because the number of places is limited. The archives of Aube house the most important manuscripts of the collegiate of Lirey, the well-established location of the first exhibition of the Shroud of Turin. On the second day, a visit to the village of Lirey, including the medieval motte where Geoffroy de Charny built his maison forte, another historical location related to Geoffroy de Charny and a round table discussion will also take place. There is a charge to participate on the second day to cover transportation expenses. A preliminary program will be available in mid-December 2019. Please consult linceul.org or sindonology.org for more details."
Posted January 21, 2020
Updated March 25, 2020
Exclusive Report: Museum of the Bible Hosts Shroud Event in Washington, D.C.
Participants and organizers of the Shroud event at the Museum of the Bible
L to R: Ray Downing, Maria Downing, Dr. Jeff Kloha, Lisa Rowan, Tristian Casabianca, Myra Adams,
Dr. Cheryl White, Russ Breault, Fr. Andrew Dalton, David Adams. Not shown: Fr. Robert Spitzer
Photo ©2020 Karen Saunders (Click image for larger view)The Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. hosted a special Shroud of Turin event titled, "Explore the Mystery," on January 18, 2020. The sold out event featured presentations and a panel discussion with such notable Shroud scholars as Russ Breault, Tristan Casabianca, Fr. Andrew Dalton, Fr. Robert Spitzer, Dr. Cheryl White and Special Guest Ray Downing. The event was held to help raise funds for the high tech, interactive Shroud of Turin Exhibition that the museum plans to unveil in 2021. Once again, STERA, Inc. was well represented and Board Members Dr. Cheryl White and Russ Breault were speakers at the event. Russ served as the Moderator throughout the program and has kindly sent us his Opening Remarks to include with this article. An interview with the participants will air in a special segment on EWTN Nightly News on Tuesday, January 21 at 6:00 pm E.T. I was unable to attend since I was putting the finishing touches on this update, so we are grateful to our good friend, noted writer and Shroud scholar, Myra Adams, for filing this exclusive report for Shroud.com:
In Washington, D.C., on January 18, 2020, the prestigious Museum of the Bible held an all-star Shroud speakers' event, "Shroud of Turin: Explore the Mystery" in its 472-seat World Stage Theater. The Museum's Chief Curatorial Officer, Dr. Jeff Kloha, introduced the panel of world-renowned Shroud experts and told the sold-out crowd that the event was a kick-off for the groundbreaking, high-tech exhibition about the Shroud targeted to open on Feb. 17, 2021 (Ash Wednesday). Among the notable guests was the Apostolic Nuncio: His Excellency, Archbishop Christophe Pierre (Vatican Ambassador to the U.S.).
The Master of Ceremonies and panel moderator was Russ Breault - a board member of STERA, Inc. and member of the online Shroud Science Group. Russ is president and founder of the Shroud of Turin Education Project and a SignFromGod board member. The four expert panelists who traveled great distances to speak were: (Continue reading)
Posted January 21, 2020
Will There Really Be a "Public Display" in December 2020? Actually, No.
Extraordinary public display of Turin Shroud in 2020
Link to Vatican Press Release - Photo © Vatican MediaOn December 31, 2019, we received the exciting news from the Vatican that a "public display" of the Shroud had been authorized for December 2020 by Pope Francis. The headline read, "Extraordinary public display of Turin Shroud in 2020." Recognizing this as important news, I posted it immediately to the STERA, Inc. Facebook Page. However, it didn't take very long for me to realize that this was probably NOT going to be a general public exhibition like the last one, held in 2015. Those are usually announced around 18 months in advance to give Turin time to make the necessary preparations to receive a million or more pilgrims. In that respect, the headline on the Vatican article was somewhat misleading, since I received a lot of e-mails asking for clarification. In reading the article more carefully, I realized this was more likely to be a one day affair not open to the public but reserved exclusively for the members of the Taizé Community who are holding their next annual meeting of Europe’s youth in Turin, Italy, in December. This is very much like the Special Youth Pilgrimage permitted by Pope Francis in 2018 that we reported on in our June 2018 update. So I updated our Facebook page accordingly, but I wanted to be certain before publishing this article here, so I contacted my good friend Enrico Simonato, current Secretary of the Centro Internazionale di Studi Sulla Sindone or CISS (International Study Center on the Shroud) in Turin for a definitive answer. It turns out, my suspicions were correct. Here was his reply:
"The (recent) announcement is not for a full public display of the Shroud. The traditional New Year event of the Taizé ecumenical community will take place in Turin at the end of 2020. On this occasion, and only for people of the community (and, I suppose, for the people hosting them), there will be the opportunity on the evening of December 31st, to "contemplate" the Shroud in a way similar to the 2018 event (just "opening" the reliquary box in the Chapel). Since the Taizé community is an ecumenical community, we need to pay specific attention to some members. That is because in the Christian Churches there has been an open question for centuries on the use of images. As stated by our Archbishop, "...for us here it is not a question of reopening this wound, but of welcoming fraternally those who want to share prayer in an atmosphere of full mutual respect and fraternity that has characterized the Taizé experience since its inception." So it will not be a public display for a "veneration", but a "contemplation" solely for the Taizé community members."
{Editor's Note: Here is a link to a brief YouTube video that shows how the Shroud was unveiled and displayed during the Youth Pilgrimage on August 10, 2018: Venerazione Sindone 2018: Lo Svelamento Del Telo (1:04) (Shroud Veneration 2018: The Unveiling of the Cloth). According to Enrico, a similar method will be employed this year, with the reliquary case opened but the Shroud not removed and only viewed in place through thick, bulletproof glass].
Posted January 21, 2020
Sindon Returns (and Now It's Digital and Bilingual)
Anyone who has been a student of the Shroud of Turin for any length of time is certainly aware of the Italian journal Sindon, which was published in Turin for many years by the International Center for the Study of the Shroud (CISS). The highly respected journal was always the benchmark publication and primary reference for those seeking credible articles on the Shroud written by equally credible researchers. The only problem was that it was only published in Italian, so many English speaking Shroud scholars were unable to read the important articles and papers that they published. In addition, it was a printed journal, so one had to subscribe to it and wait for its delivery by postal mail. Unless you had a subscription, you didn't read the journal. Then, along came Dorothy Crispino and her journal, Shroud Spectrum International. (Every issue of Spectrum is available on Shroud.com). Dorothy recognized the problem and began translating some of Sindon's most important articles into English and including them in Spectrum. Unfortunately, because of changing times and technologies, both Sindon and Spectrum eventually ceased publication.
And that is what makes today's announcement so important. We are happy to report that Sindon is back and this time, it is publishing everything in both Italian and English! But instead of a printed publication, the new Sindon is now online and available digitally via the internet! The revived journal will now be much more accessible to a broader range of scholars around the world. And it looks great too! To make it even easier for viewers to access the journal, the CISS has provided both an English Language Page and an Italian Language Page on their website. Bringing this iconic journal into the 21st century was truly a major challenge and we extend our congratulations and sincere gratitude to the hard working members of the CISS who dedicated themselves to reviving this important publication. A special thank you to our good friend Enrico Simonato, CISS Secretary, for his extraordinary efforts in overseeing and accomplishing this important goal. The Shroud world will greatly appreciate it! Grazie mille mi amico!
Posted January 21, 2020
Latest BSTS Newsletter Issue #90 Now Available
This information came in at the last moment, so I barely had time to get this brief notice into this update. Our good friend David Rolfe, Editor of the British Society for the Turin Shroud (BSTS) Newsletter, just informed us that Issue #90 is now available. The issue features articles by such notable Shroud scholars as Joe Marino, Ian Wilson, Pam Moon, Mark Guscin and others and highlights a new experiment by Hugh Duncan. Online issues are available by subscription via the BSTS Newsletter website at the above links. We are planning to update our BSTS Newsletter Archive page in our Spring update with some of the more recent newsletter issues. Currently, Issues #1 through #85 are available in the archives here on Shroud.com.
Posted January 21, 2020
Recently Published Books
Recently Published Books Several important new Shroud related books by several noted Shroud scholars have recently been or are soon to be published. We are listing them here and have also permanently archived them on the Shroud of Turin Booklist page (alphabetically by author). To make it easy to find the newest additions, we have annotated their listings with "(Added 21 January 2020)" so you can simply search for that phrase on the Booklist page should you forget the titles.
A Burst of Conscious Light: Near-Death Experiences, the Shroud of Turin, and the Limitless Potential of Humanity by Dr. Andrew Silverman
A fascinating new book by noted British Shroud scholar Dr. Andrew Silverman. Note that it will be available after February 11, 2020. Here is an excerpt from the book's online description:
"Integrating extensive scientific research from three seemingly unrelated fields of study--quantum mechanics, near-death experiences, and the Shroud of Turin--Silverman reveals the pitfalls and perils of artificial intelligence and addresses the fundamentally flawed thinking that underlies it. Drawing on his work as one of the leading experts on the Shroud of Turin as well as research by scientists from NASA and Los Alamos, he shows how the image on the Shroud could only have been produced by a flash of light as intense as a nuclear explosion--a burst of light that occurred after the body was in the tomb. Sharing medical evidence of consciousness in people declared clinically dead, the author shows how the light of consciousness evidenced by the Shroud is also a consistent feature of most near-death experiences." (Also available via Amazon at this link).
Paperback: 232 pages
Publisher: Park Street Press (February 11, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1620559633
ISBN-13: 978-1620559635
Shroud of Turin: Uncovering the Paradox within the Archives of the Holy Shroud Guild by Giorgio D. Bracaglia
[Editor's Note: You might recall that we listed this excellent and important book last year when it first was published. We are including it again today because it has just become available from Barnes & Noble as an e-book that can be ordered and downloaded at this link: Uncovering the Paradox within the Archives of the Holy Shroud Guild in Nook format].
An in depth look at the important archives of the organization that first promoted the Shroud in the U.S. Here is an excerpt from Giorgio's description:
"With over 35 thousand documents to archive, this project lasted more than three years to complete. I have spent more than ten years of research that now includes digital scans, document organization, and interviews, which have made it possible to share the working inside of the Holy Shroud Guild. The preservation of these archives is extremely important. Their purpose serves as a time capsule, now liberated, providing over 60 years of historical Shroud studies from original correspondence associated with the Guild. This book reflects many different periods that significantly influenced five generations of Sindonologist studies..."
Paperback: 310 pages
Publisher: Giorgio D. Bracaglia (January 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0-578-43286-1
Religion, Supernaturalism, the Paranormal and Pseudoscience - An Anthropological Critique by Homayun Sidky
This book is listed as a textbook (which probably explains the hefty price). Some people may find it interesting as it obviously provides the author's opinions on the Science vs. Faith debate, an issue most Shroud scholars have faced and one that many have addressed. Here is an excerpt from the book's online description:
"Religion, Supernaturalism, the Paranormal, and Pseudoscience" provides a comprehensive rejoinder to the challenges posed to science, scientific anthropology, evolutionary theory and rationality by the advocates of supernatural, paranormal, and pseudoscientific perspectives and modes of thought associated with the current rise of irrationalism, antiintellectualism, and emboldened religious fundamentalism and violence." (Also available as an e-book via Amazon at this link).
File Size: 1289 KB
Hardbound: 518 pages
Publisher: Anthem Press; 1 edition (November 30, 2019)
Language: English
ASIN: B08257N91Q
ISBN-10: 1785271628
ISBN-13: 978-1785271625
Posted January 21, 2020
Recently Published Papers & Articles
1973 Italian Commission Report on the Shroud of Turin
(English translation of original Italian language report)We are starting this section, not with a paper or article, but with a never-before available English translation of an historic Italian report on the 1973 examination of the Shroud from the archives of the Holy Shroud Guild. Of course, a number of new papers and articles have been published recently as well, and we are including them here along with some earlier papers that you might find interesting. The papers are listed chronologically, with the most recent paper at the top of the list. All have also been permanently archived on the Scientific Papers & Articles page (alphabetically by title) and the Website Library page (alphabetically by author).
1973 Italian Commission Report on the Shroud of Turin (English translation of original Italian language report) - Giorgio Bracaglia - Holy Shroud Guild Archives - This 1976 report begins with an Introduction by Rev. Pietro Caramello, who was the Pastor of the Turin Cathedral during the 1978 STURP examination. Thanks to Giorgio, this rare English language translation of the important, original Italian language report is now readily available on the internet. A "must read" for any serious Shroud scholar.
Analysis of an archaeological linen cloth: The shroud of Arquata by S. Bruni, C.M. Cellamare, P. Di Lazzaro, A. Gessi, G. Marghella, L. Stante - Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 167, February 2020 - This is an updated version of a 2019 paper. Here is an excerpt from the abstract: "The linen cloth of the shroud of Arquata, a precious copy of the Shroud of Turin which dates back to 1653, was discovered in 1980 during the restoration works of the St. Francis church in Arquata del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno, Italy). Following the strong earthquake that hit central Italy in August 2016, the church was seriously damaged and it was therefore necessary to secure the shroud in the Cathedral of Ascoli Piceno."
Epigraphy on the Turin Shroud by John Nicholas Joseph Lupia, T.O.C. - Regina Caeli Press, January 2, 2020 - Here is an excerpt from the abstract: "This brief article concerns new observations and investigations that reveal much about reverse order in viewing the image, image production, image location, and how we see, think, and theorize about the Shroud. For some the new discovery of the image formation process will propel the Turin Shroud further into deeper mystery. For the scientific minded, on the other hand, it is a refreshing and new fascinating physical-chemical puzzle to muse the mind..."
A Primer on the Shroud of Turin by James A. Termini - Academia.edu, September 2019 - Here is the lead in to the article: "This primer is intended for those who wish to enhance their familiarity with the Shroud of Turin. Responses are provided to skeptics' claims challenging the Shroud's authenticity. Links to insightful videos and testimonials are included."
Free Electron Model of Image Formation on Shroud of Turin by Charles A. Rogers - Academia.edu, December 2, 2017 - Here is an excerpt from the introduction: " Eyewitnesses reported that the dead body of Jesus of Nazareth disappeared while wrapped in a cloth. Today the only credible physical evidence of this amazing event is the Shroud of Turin, which many people believe was Jesus’ actual burial cloth. This cloth contains front and back full length body images that many researchers agree are of a real man. Our present knowledge of science does not explain disappearance of a dead body, so this discussion accepts its disappearance as fact..."
The following papers have been archived on the Religion and Philosophy page (alphabetically by title) and the Website Library page (alphabetically by author):
1 John 5:6-8: The Shroud of Turin in the New Testament by William Mayor - Academia.edu, 2017 - Here is an excerpt from the abstract: "It is generally accepted that if the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus that it is only mentioned in passing in the New Testament, and those few references are all in the gospel accounts and provide no real details. Many, if not most New Testament scholars seem to doubt that the Shroud is even authentic. However, in a difficult to understand passage, 1 John 5:6-8, there might be a record of the Shroud. This paper will thus examine the dating of this epistle..."
Carl Hempel's Concept of Scientific Truth: a Philosophical Study of the Shroud of Turin by Onyekachi Uzoma - Academia.edu, 2016 - Here is an excerpt from the abstract: "The regal science of philosophy has always battled with one enigma, “What is truth?” The urge to subject religious truths to scientific method of verification motivated a team of forty scientists in 1978, to experimentally investigate the most venerated icon of the Christian religion, and one of the most studied artifacts in human history- the Shroud of Turin – believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus..."
Shroud Of Turin - The Hypothesis of the Non-Unwrapping by Félix Ferrà - Academia.edu, 2015 - Here is an excerpt from the abstract: "An article presenting biblical evidence from the New Testament for the hypothesis of the non-unwrapping of the shroud that covered the body of Jesus Christ at the time of his resurrection, according to which the body would have disappeared from inside the cloth without undoing the folds and bonds that held him..."
Posted January 21, 2020
Shroud Related Videos and Audios
Once again, a large number of videos, radio programs and podcasts about the Shroud of Turin have appeared on the internet in recent months. We are including links to a number of recent ones (and a few older ones) in this update and hope you find them interesting.
The Turin Shroud - Barrie Schwortz Interview - Public Display of Imagination Podcast - January 10, 2020 - Audio (01:12:46) - Interview by Mark DeWayne Combs
The Shroud Of Turin ... Real or Fake? - Dr. August Accetta - Saint Joseph Radio - St. Joseph Evangelization Network - December 18, 2019 - Video (32:07) - Presentation by Dr. August Accetta.
The Shroud Of Turin - Mark Antonacci Interview - Saint Joseph Radio - St. Joseph Evangelization Network - December 16, 2019 - Video (28:59) - Mark Antonacci interviewed by Jim Deken.
Teil 1, Der wahre Da Vinci Code erstmals entschlüsselt, Das letzte Abendmahl, von Leonardo da Vinci (Part 1, The True Da Vinci Code Deciphered for the First Time, The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci) (German) - Rudolf Berwanger - December 12, 2019 - Video (42:54)
The Shroud of Turin (Part 2) The Knights Templar and the Missing 1200 Years - 1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries Podcast - December 9, 2019 - Audio (43:14)
Wrapped Up In The Shroud - Joe Marino Interview - On the Odd Podcast - December 6, 2019 - Audio (50:59) - Special guest Joe Marino.
The Shroud of Turin: A Scientific Perspective - Dr. John Jackson Interview - The Catholic Current - December 5, 2019 - Audio (54:38) - Special guest Dr. John Jackson.
The Shroud of Turin (Part 1) One of History's Greatest Mysteries - 1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries Podcast - December 2, 2019 - Audio (50:26)
The Science of Divinity (The Silent Gospel) - Presentation by James Barrett - December 2, 2019 - Video (1:40:14)
The Shroud of Turin: Photograph of the Resurrection - Duran Smith - November 2, 2019 - Video (1:34:02) - Up-to-date information regarding the Shroud of Turin, presented by Duran Smith to the Atlanta chapter of Reasons to Believe on October 31, 2019.
Here are several older videos that were recommended by our good friend and noted Shroud researcher, Paolo Di Lazzaro:
Attempt to replicate the face of the Shroud Part 1 - Walter Memmolo - April 21, 2012 - Video (15:28)
Attempt to replicate the face of the Shroud Part 2 - Walter Memmolo - April 25, 2012 - Video (15:12)
Posted January 21, 2020
The Shroud on the Internet
The Shroud of Turin continues to be a topic of great interest on the internet, so we once again had a huge number of links to Shroud related content to choose from. As I have said before, deciding which to include here is never easy, since we want to provide you with the most credible and interesting information available, but don't want to include too much repetition either. (There is a lot of it on the internet). In the end, I am sure you will find many of the links worthwhile. They are listed chronologically with the most recent item at the top.
VIDEO: Faces of Jesus exhibit in Abbotsford, B.C., Canada by Ben Lypka - The Abbotsford News - January 07, 2020 - This brief article provides news of the free Faces of Jesus Exhibit currently on display at Columbia Bible College in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. The exhibit was created by The Metzger Collection and includes a lifesize replica of the Shroud of Turin. This story features a video interview and tour of the exhibit by Greg Thiessen, Exhibit Manager.
CNN gags the truth on the Turin Shroud by Emanuela Marinelli - The Daily Compass - December 18, 2019 - Here is the lead-in to an important response by a noted Shroud scholar: "Last December 12, CNN dedicated a long and abundantly illustrated article to the Holy Shroud, where my declarations have been manipulated to give the idea of the emotional passion of those who approach the Shroud believing in its authenticity, in contrast to the scientific rigour of those who consider it false. It is really a bad example of journalism, a poor and unprofessional article." For those who might have missed it, here is a link to the original CNN article dated 12 December 2019 and titled, Shroud of Turin still surrounded with mystery and passion that Emanuela was referring to.
Il Papa benedice a Santa Marta la "statua della Sindone" (in Italian) - The Pope blesses the Santa Marta 'statue of the Shroud' (English translation courtesy Joe Marino) by Michele Raviart - Città del Vaticano (Vatican City) - December 16, 2019 - Here is the lead-in to the article: "The work of the sculptor Luigi Enzo Mattei was created starting from the anatomical data extrapolated from the Sacred Canvas. Made of clay on the occasion of the 2000 jubilee, it has now been donated to the Vatican. In our interview the sculptor tells the genesis and details of his creation."
The Shroud of Turin Was Declared a Fraud. New Research Has Some Asking for a Retrial by Candida Moss - Daily Beast - November 24, 2019 - Here is the lead-in to the article: "In the 1980s, carbon testing led to a guilty verdict for the Shroud of Turin as a fraud. But researchers who pursued a legal case for the original data say it’s far from certain."
Fake News Real Consequences by Dr Kenneth Stevenson - Linked In - November 11, 2019 - In this recent article, Ken expresses his personal views on how media coverage has influenced and continues to influence people's opinions about the Shroud and cites many Biblical references to support his views.
What Is the Shroud of Turin? Facts & History Everyone Should Know by Myra Adams and Russ Breault - Christianity.com - November 9, 2019 - Here is the lead in to the article: "The Shroud still exists, and we would argue for a divine reason. And by its very existence, proves that the cloth has been “protected” after being hidden in a wall in Edessa for over 400 years and then surviving through crusades, wars, numerous fires, and even Hitler."
Two Connections Which Shocked Even the Holy Heroes Guides by HolyHeroes - October 25, 2019 - Here is the lead in to the article: "Love and Mercy: Faustina, the new film about the life of St. Faustina, will hit theaters in the United States on October 28. While many Catholics know the story of this beautiful saint and her mission to spread the devotion to Jesus’ image of Divine Mercy, there is a little secret in this story that the film is hoping to address. Most people are unaware of the connection between The Divine Mercy image and the Shroud of Turin..."
Shroud of Turin Laser Holography by Frank Defreitas - Wonders of the Bible - October 1, 2019 - Here is the lead in to the article: "The Nobel prize-winning field of holography gives us the ability to continue true, spatial 3D visual examination of the Holy Shroud of Turin -- long after it has been returned to its safekeeping."
PhotoofJesus.com - I learned of this new website in November 2019, just after we published our last update. I am not sure how long it has been online and I have only had time to look at it briefly, but it appears to include a substantial amount of Shroud-related content and their point of view is presented in an informative and straightforward manner. I do not know who the author(s) are but am happy to link to their website.
Joseph of Arimathea, a poem by Isabel Cristina Legarda - This past November I received an e-mail from Isabel Legarda, M.D., who asked me a novel question: Would I be interested in reading a poem she had written about the Shroud? Even though it is not typical of the content we provide, I agreed, and after reading it, decided to share it with you. I am sure some of you will appreciate it.
Posted January 21, 2020
Over 1.6 Million Visits in 2019
Over 1.6 Million Visits in 2019 As we announced in our November 6, 2019 update, we experienced several months of problems, loss of data and disruptions to our website last year due to issues with our long-time hosting company. In the end, it resulted in our having to move the website to a new hosting company, which we completed in November. Unfortunately, the data lost before and during the transition was not retrievable. Typically, I include all of the detailed statistics of our website traffic in our annual anniversary update. However, since our data is incomplete, we can only provide an estimate for the year based on the traffic in the first six months of 2019. With that, we can safely state that our website traffic in 2019 exceeded 1.6 million visits. With everything now moved to new, more trouble-free servers, we will again be able to provide you with accurate numbers next year. As you know, we do not allow advertising on this website, so we are not interested in counting "clicks," which is how some websites monetize their visitors. Our website is totally free and we derive no financial benefits from our visitors. From my perspective, publishing the statistics is important mainly because they show a considerable increase in traffic every year since 1996, which I hope gives encouragement to our supporters and patrons.
Posted January 21, 2020
2020 Lecture Schedule
Passion of Christ Conference: Shroud of Turin Retreat
at the Toronto Pavilion, March 23rd, 2019
Link to presentation video - (1:16:42)I am again including my upcoming lecture schedule in case I happen to be in your area in 2020. If so, please come by and say hello. You might notice that this year's schedule is even smaller than last year's, as I'm trying to spend less time "on the road." Of course, as of this writing the schedule is by no means complete. There are still several additonal lectures being considered so the schedule could possibly grow. Also, many of the times and venues are still not finalized and subject to change. I will do my best to update them prior to the events.
March 9 - 10, 2020 - I will again be speaking at the University Series™, an annual multi-parish adult education program held in Southern California each year during the Lenten season. This year, the event created and organized by my dear friend Fr. Dave Heney, has expanded to include 150+ seminars in both Ventura County, where the series originated, and now in the Whittier area as well. The series connects faith with real life in areas such as current events, contemporary moral issues, evangelization, faith and science, marriage and family, church history, scripture and prayer. The 2020 season runs from February 27 to April 12 at multiple parishes in Los Angeles and Ventura counties and two parishes in the Whittier area. I will make my first presentation on Monday, April 9th at 7:30-9:00 pm at the St. Dominic Savio Church in Bellflower. I make my second presentation on Tuesday, March 10th at 7:30-9:00 pm at St. Mary Magdalen Church Hall in Ventura. If you wish to learn more you can visit the University Series Website, which will be updated with the 2020 schedule by the end of January. There you can review each topic and sign up for the sessions. Courses cost $5 per person to attend, but you can bring a friend for free!
March 21 - 23, 2020 - I will be speaking at a Special Post-Conference Evening Event at the Seattle Catholic Men's Conference in Renton, Washington on March 21st and will also give two other presentations on March 22nd and 23rd at St. Stephen the Martyr Church, 13055 SE 192nd St, Renton, WA 98058. Lectures are scheduled from 7:00pm to 9:00pm each evening. No tickets needed. Donations gratefully accepted. Here are links to several online articles about the event: Iron Sharpens Iron and Renown Shroud of Turin Exhibition & Lecture Coming to Renton. CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS!
April 9 - 10, 2020 - I will be hosted by owner Lonnie Abrams and visiting his Shroud Museum in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee to participate in a formal, season opening event. We have yet to work out the details and the dates are still tentative, but I will update this listing as soon as more information becomes available. POSTPONED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS! We hope to reschedule later this year.
May 4 - 7, 2020 - I will again be teaching my Shroud of Turin course in the Masters of Science and Faith program at the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum in Rome. The course is titled, The Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) - The Team and Their Science, and this year will be presented with a real-time translation in Spanish. CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS!
August 7 - 9, 2020 - I will once again be in England and speaking at the 54th Annual Jalsa Salana Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Convention in Hampshire near Guildford. CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS!
Posted January 21, 2020
Updated May 7, 2020
Our Next Update
Our next update will go online sometime in the Spring. With a lighter travel and lecture schedule this year, I hope to get the updates online a bit earlier if possible. The next update will hopefully include our first report on the archiving of the Paul Maloney Collection, which we mentioned in our November 2019 update and which I plan to start working on in the next few weeks. As always, the update will also include the latest papers, books, articles, podcasts, videos and any breaking Shroud news. To be sure you don't miss any important Shroud information as it occurs, check our STERA, Inc. Facebook page from time to time, since we now try and update it frequently to keep you informed between our regular website updates. You can also join our Website Mailing List and receive an e-mail whenever the site is updated (3 or 4 times per year) or any important Shroud news breaks. We hope you find this update interesting and useful. Thank you all again for being there! It is deeply appreciated.
Barrie Schwortz
Editor & Founder, Shroud.com
President, STERA, Inc.Posted January 21, 2020