STERA, Inc. Image Library

NOTE: This page best viewed on a larger display (desktop, laptop or tablet). These images are provided as a convenient online catalog from which authors, publishers, picture researchers and producers can select and license high resolution, reproduction quality 300dpi images for use in books, magazines, television programs, etc. We do not permit our high resolution files to be published on the internet but can provide 72dpi versions for such uses. There are nearly 300 images currently available from our various collections and more will be added in the future. Scroll through and click on the small thumbnails at left to view a larger version in the window at right. Click the "Image Info" button below each large image to view caption, size and copyright information. Just make a list of the images you wish to use with their complete file names and contact Barrie Schwortz at the link provided below to begin the licensing process. No high resolution files can be delivered without a written licensing agreement. Since you will need to provide us with some specific information, simply consult our Licensing Guidelines, which explain everything in detail.

The entire contents of this page are Copyright © 1978- Shroud of Turin Education and Research Association, Inc. (STERA, Inc.), All Rights Reserved, unless otherwise noted.

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