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In Memoriam

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Barrie M. Schwortz

It is with deep sadness that I report the death of the founder of and the founder of STERA -- our good friend Barrie Schwortz in Colorado Springs, CO on June 21, 2024. Barrie hardly needs an introduction. He was one of the most influential persons in sindonology, and was always a go-to guy for all of the major Shroud documentaries and other media inquiries. He was the Documenting Photographer for the 1978 Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) and even authored one of the many papers that were published in the peer-reviewed literature. In 1996 he founded the massively-influential website In 2009, he founded the Shroud of Turin Education and Research Association (STERA), to which he donated all of his photographs and the website. There was a small, family-only memorial for him.

Here is an excerpt from his obituary:

Barrie Schwortz's legacy will endure through his contributions to science, his captivating photographs and videos, and the countless lives he touched with his knowledge and kindness. He leaves behind a rich tapestry of memories and a profound impact on the world of shroud research and photography. (Read more).

One of the first thoughts I had is that it would be surreal for me to have to put together an “In Memoriam” for Barrie. Barrie produced numerous ones on, and it just didn’t seem that one had to be done for him. Barrie and I had frequent, long conversations over the years, mostly about the Shroud, but also on topics such music, sports, politics and culture. I knew he communicated with many people via phone and email over the years, but even I have been surprised at the huge number of people and the length of the communications.

Many people have sent in their comments about Barrie, which you find below. I apologize for the lateness in getting this out, but as you can imagine, it’s been a huge transition for the STERA board to pick up where Barrie has left off. Many of the comments are longer than what he used to post for others, but Barrie deserves every word written by his friends. (We added a few pictures as well.) For those who want to contribute to help to continue his work and legacy, you can donate at Thanks to all who have contributed in the past.


Shocked by the sudden news, it is with great sadness that I learn of the passing of my dear friend Barrie on 21 June 2024.

Despite some negative pressure on him from a certain group, which I clearly sensed, Barrie has always been my friend even if lately forcibly in a less official way.

I owe him a lot, without him I would not have been able to carry out many important scientific investigations on the Holy Shroud of Turin (HST), the most important Relic of Christ in Christianity.

Barrie was the first American scholar I contacted at the end of the last century and from him I had a very strong impulse to continue my studies on the HST. He published, even for free, many of my early HST papers.

When I visited him at his home in Los Angeles he gave me as present one of his original HST negative taken during the 1978 STuRP campaign.

In 2015, on the occasion of the Exhibition he brought me to Turin some sticky tapes sampled by R. Rogers in 1978 and left them for me to study for some time.

He was so kind - and I still thank him very much for this - that he allowed me to take some fragments and samples from these sticky tapes to study separately them in the future. I owe the publication of various news on the HST to this remarkable openness, kindness and generosity of Barrie.

So I can only thank you again Barrie for your great friendship and generosity without which I would not have been able to carry out all the studies I have published: THANK YOU BARRIE! I really hope that you can now be very close to Jesus Christ and from Heaven you can help those who will now manage your very important website to spread to all persons interested in it the message of the Resurrection, hidden among the wires of the HST.

Rest in peace!

Giulio Fanti

I am very affected by Barrie’s death. We have never met, but we have exchanged very often on various subjects, notably on the pollens of Max Frei (from the time of the late Paul Maloney), and recently on the Veil of Manoppello (perhaps painted by Dürer) had known the family of Dr. F. Zugibe, cardiologist, well. I wholeheartedly join in the prayers of all his family and friends.

Pierre de Riedmatten

I met Barrie personally at a dinner for two in Rome. It was such a pleasant and positive evening. He fully accepted me with my view of the Shroud, namely that it testifies that Jesus must have been alive beneath the cloth, although to me he was always tight-lipped about his own position on this matter.

I supported him when he went to Arizona to photograph the remains of the unused samples. Thus, I learned that the small Arizona sample still exists in its entirety, but he was not provided access to this piece and was therefore unable to take a photo.

He was always helpful, kind and loving. He will always have a place in my heart. Perhaps we will meet again and learn more about the shroud, if this will be still important to us then.

Helmut Felzmann

I honour the remembrance of Barrie Schwortz, both as a Shroud researcher and as a person. A great man has passed away. I’ve come to know Barrie as a very warm personality. The One G_d made his inner star shine all over the world. The tree of his life has brought forth many fruits. Whenever we say his name, we will do so with deep respect.

Edwin Stok

It is very sad to know of Barry Schwortz's passing, even for me who never knew him personally in any way. When I prayed about his death, all I had running through my head was a phrase from the novelist and poet Charles Williams. He wrote of the Grace and Comfort of a Perfect End. This is not only to rest in peace, but to share in the glory of our Lord’s Resurrection.

Andrew Willie

He was a man full of life, joy and contagious enthusiasm. He will be sorely missed but, as he said, his legacy will live on.

Raffaella Bianucci

We were so blessed to have Barrie's friendship and to benefit from his vast knowledge and passion for the Shroud as we shared with him what was his final trip to Turin in September 2019. He joyously offered a personal tour of the royal palace, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, and the Guarini Chapel of the Holy Shroud. Together we explored the city and had meetings with religious and scientific authorities (including officials from the Archdiocese of Turin and the Center for the International Study of the Shroud). We were able to forge collaborations that have since borne much fruit. Just the year before, Barrie was a special guest when we hosted the 40th anniversary of the Shroud of Turin Research Project with Dr. John Jackson and Russ Breault at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans in Shreveport, Louisiana. He generously volunteered his time to speak to school students during that visit as well. He even participated in our podcast series, Who is the Man of Shroud (Episode #36). While we grieve his loss, we are happy to have shared such important work and wonderful memories of a very special friend and colleague.

Father Peter B. Mangum
Dr. Cheryl White

I only met Barrie at the 2019 Ancaster Shroud conference. He gave a terrific lecture at the conference that was not only informative but really entertaining as well. He was warm and friendly at the conference and subsequently when we talked on the phone. I had occasion to telephone Barrie several times about the ultraviolet photos that Vern Miller took as a STURP participant in 1978. Barrie was very generous in sharing his time and knowledge in answering my questions. For example, a number of Miller’s UV images had 35M 25Y written on their sides and I had no idea what this signified. In one call with Barrie he pointed out to me that these were probably filter designations, M for magenta and Y for yellow, which indeed it turned out that they were. His knowledge greatly helped me in my research on the UV photos. I very much appreciate his willingness and generosity to share his knowledge about the Shroud. I have often visited the website and its quality is a lasting tribute to Barrie’s memory. He will be sorely missed by our community. May he rest in peace.

Tom McAvoy

There aren’t enough words to describe Barrie. His videos can give an idea of the greatness and honesty of this man, who was immensely precious for the Sindonology world. But those who knew him personally and were honored by his friendship, know that Barrie was even more. I don’t remember when I met him the first time, because it was many years ago, but I was immediately struck by his friendliness, his modesty, his always positive and generous attitude. Barrie was unique and will be missed by all for this very reason. Now it is up to us to follow his example and ensure that the values defended by Barrie, in particular the authenticity and the spiritual message of the Shroud, are increasingly shared. This will be the way to worthily honor his memory.

Emanuela and Barrie
Emanuela Marinelli

I'm so sorry to hear of Barrie's passing. I got to meet him a couple of times at various lectures of his in the LA area when I was writing the "Shroud Lifted" STURP screenplay, and spoke to him many times on the phone. What a great voice for the Shroud, and I'm certain he's got any unanswered questions about it now. He will be missed and has left the in great hands. All the best to his friends and family.

Ken Yakkel

Barrie, I like to start talking to you with the incipit of all the emails you sent me: Ciao, mi amico!

You studied the Shroud with passion, and became the best popularizer and ambassador of the Shroud's message, even before the scientific results of STuRP.

You were number one, but never cathedratic, always willing to explain, and open to ideas different from your own.

You always maintained the curiosity typical of a scientist, even though you modestly called yourself a photo technician. Brilliant, I might add.

I will never forget your enthusiasm and availability when we prepared and wrote together a scientific paper on the optical illusions that sometimes "appear" on the Shroud: it is no mere coincidence that it is one of the most cited and higher impact papers among those I have written in my long career.

You generously opened your knowledge and the findings of other scholars on your site to everyone: we are all in your debt.

I will miss your friendliness, your jokes, your constant encouragement for our research work at ENEA. Your friendship, above all. But you have left us a huge legacy, which will not be lost.

Ciao Barrie, Amico mio. Now you don't need the camera: you have everything in front of you.

Paolo Di Lazzaro

Such sad news. What a warm and wonderful person, and a perfect host of His contribution to the Shroud field has been monumental. Rest in peace, Barrie. You’ll be greatly missed.

John Loken

We will all miss Barrie. My only connection with Barrie was through email in which he took the time to respond to my questions starting about in 2006. In that first email I told him that I appreciated his professionalism, great spirit, and personal enthusiasm. Because of Barrie and his website,, I have now given presentations on the Shroud to a variety of people and organizations. I had to opportunity to see Barrie in action at the 2014 St. Louis International Shroud Conference, but did not have the opportunity to personally meet him at that conference. Barrie opened the world to the GREATEST artifact the world has ever seen and we all thank him for his unbelievably humble and object approach in presenting to the world the Shroud of Turin. Thank you Barrie and we all love you!

Scott Biggers

Immensely sad and unexpected though Barrie’s passing is, there can be few, if any, other people in the Shroud world who are likely to be remembered with greater and more widespread affection. On the many occasions that we met at Shroud conferences, Barrie could always be relied on for his fund of stories, his cheerfulness and his good humour. Whenever I needed to illustrate some point concerning the STURP 1978 scientific examination, it was Barrie who was always willing and able to provide a photograph with just that right human touch. The Internet was still very young when Barrie made the pioneering decision to acquire the domain name and set up a website for the subject. It was a venture that he quickly made an international success, such that it felt an honour and a privilege when he generously agreed that it could be used to host archive copies of the British Society for the Turin Shroud Newsletter, an arrangement that has continued down the decades. A quarter of a century ago he was my unhesitating choice as co-author for The Turin Shroud: the Illustrated Evidence, a most amicable partnership frustratingly let down only by a mercantile London publisher who failed to do justice to Barrie’s superb photographs. Barrie had that rare quality of winning the affection of people of all nationalities and often very widely differing opinions, for all of whom he provided an open forum that rightly earned widespread admiration and respect. He will be sorely missed

Ian Wilson

Oh my dear, dear Barrie! Such a brave face you wore as you apologized in a recent interview for being so far behind on uploading to No wonder you were in a hurry to pack in so many interviews recently. My gratitude for your life's work will last my whole life long. Your interviews, talks, and especially have enriched my life and my faith over many decades.

May the good Lord make His face to shine upon Barrie's soul. May He bless and keep Barrie close to Himself for eternity. May the perpetual light shine upon Barrie's soul. May Barrie, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, and may his memory be eternal.

Please accept my Condolences for all who knew and loved Barrie.

Kimberly Fleury

Rest in Peace in the arms of Yeshua, Barrie, you who are one of His favourite sons. And how we miss you.

I came to know Barrie sometime after the STURP investigation of the Turin Shroud of which he was a member, through our emails and telephone calls. I remember him for his rich scholarship, fierce integrity and subtle mind. Three things stand out for me among the several thousand words that Barrie has said on the TS, which typify these qualities.

In a podcast with Father Pachwa as anchor (EWTN), Barrie said there was but one thing that remained for him to fully believe in the authenticity of the TS and it had taken 20 years for this last piece of the jigsaw to fall into place. Why were the blood-stains on the TS still red? Alan Adler, STURP’s expert of blood chemistry, remonstrated with him - but Barrie I circulated that paper to our STRUP members very early in our deliberations providing the scientific explanation. You would have received it routinely. Somehow, Barrie hadn’t seen that paper. That paper cleared his remaining doubt about the TS, but he had carried that doubt for 20 years .

The second concerned his mother. After hearing much of what had been going on with regard to the TS, the disinformation etc, she became very quiet. Barrie recounts this incident with this humorous aside: “when a Jewish mother goes quiet be alerted”. On enquiry, she said, of course it is His Shroud or why would they bother, go to such lengths?

And the third, when he came to a decision to launch the Shroud of Turin website. He quite simply realised that his work, to present the scientific evidence of the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin was his “calling” and life’s work. What a Eureka moment -- to know that this was the will of God for him. His website grew to be the largest website in the world.

I am sure I speak for all of us his friends: “we miss you greatly; you left us too soon”. I knew how serious his illness was and what it entailed. So my earnest prayer to the Lord Jesus was, cure him dear Lord or take him soon. He took him very soon. I am told, a bare month. And I am deeply grateful.

I am comforted by what St John Chrysostom (early Church Father) said:

“Those whom we love and lose are no longer where they were before. They are now wherever we are.”

Barrie, pray for us and continue to guide the work on the Shroud of Turin.

Aruna Rodrigues (India)

I had the privilege of meeting Barrie in person only once, at the launch of the Shroud exhibit at the National Museum of Funeral History in Houston. We spent about a day and a half together, and his first comment to me was about how tall I was. We had done a few video interviews before, and he remarked that on camera, you can’t tell how tall or short someone is. This became a running joke between us.

After I published my book, Barrie graciously agreed to be my very first interview. Despite having been interviewed by many nationally known personalities on radio and TV, he treated my interview with the same enthusiasm and professionalism. It remains the most popular interview I've ever conducted.

There is so much more I could say about Barrie. After years of studying the face in the Shroud, I take comfort in knowing he is now in heaven, able to see the face of Jesus directly. Rest in peace, Barrie.

Guy Powell

My friend Pete Schumacher asked me to create a website,, for his new museum in Alamogordo, NM. After I created that, I called Barrie and told him, “You don’t know me, but created the website for Pete’s new museum.” That conversation went on another 90 minutes. Barrie was not only the most knowledgeable person I knew about the Shroud, but he was also a personal friend. We would frequently talk about his cats, my dogs, and many other personal things. My wife and I visited him at his home several years ago when we were visiting my cousin in Colorado Springs. Barrie was down here to give talks and we had him over the house. As we would call each other, we were brothers from another mother. I have great love for Barrie and continue to miss him dearly.

Dcn. Andy Weiss

On several occasions I heard Barrie remark that although he did not believe Jesus was God, he did appreciate the intentions of Christians who prayed for him. "But don't give up on me, I'm not dead yet!"

We didn't give up on you Barrie, before or after your death.

Jim Bertrand

In February, I emailed Professor Barrie before class began to tell him how honored I was to be his student. I never expected a reply. He replied instantly that it was his honor to have me as his student - how humble he was!

I formed the Shroud of Turin Center Nevada in April to spread the Word in Las Vegas. I emailed Professor Barrie to purchase his 1978 Shroud replica for my center’s July inaugural lecture. He followed through with every step to complete the purchase. I received the replica around May 10. Barrie viewed serving others with utmost pride and efficiency.

During those weeks of processing and waiting for the replica to arrive, Barrie taught me, in detail, how best to protect and frame the replica and with what materials. He was so generous with his time and knowledge.

He mentioned he was not feeling well in late April but proudly told me he had recorded the new lectures for APRA, but only if he knew how to upload it. Then, by May 8, he said he was in trouble because he had pain across his back. I started the Nine Days of Novena Prayer on May 9. I emailed him the prayer notes, thinking they might comfort him. Even though he was bedridden by then, he emailed and thanked me for the prayers. How thoughtful he was!

Engie Lee

I met Barrie through Vern Miller and Ernie Brooks when the Brooks Institute of Photography was organizing the STURP team in 1977. Vern had brought me on for my experience with astronomical UV observations and measurements. Barrie contributed a background in technical photography involving some challenging requirements, specifically as related to the Turin Shroud, of photogrammetry of a faint 14-foot image. Barrie and Vern planned the documentation procedure that he implemented in Turin.

Barrie and I kept in touch during the years between when we met up in Turin during the 1978 investigation and at recent times. He established STERA inc., an extensive archive and clearinghouse of STURP scientific papers, as well as the pseudo-scientific material of recent decades. Upon request, he always accommodated requests and willingly provided accurate reproductions of photos that were to be used to support research and publications.

Barrie was a rare wealth of information on photographic processes and film properties and limitations. He had a great memory of events and Shroud people interactions. We often lamented the fact that there were fewer remaining original STURP members as time passed.

He became a supporting voice for STURP work and gave many public presentations. Because he encountered all shades of Shroud far-out opinions mingled with serious scientific research, he had many personal stories to tell. Indeed, he and I had a few heated but friendly discussions the last of which centered on the transformation of body image density gradients to an apparent 3-D representation. Barrie worked with the VP-8 photometer on this subject and was convinced that there was a face there.

I sadly miss the never-to-be opportunity to continue that and future discussions with an eternal friend.

Sam Pellicori
Original member of the STURP team

I viewed the Shroud with Barrie, the official photographer of the Shroud of Turin, at the 2010 exhibition in Turin (see photo below at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist - I’m on the left, our Asian friend in the middle, Barrie on the right). Barrie had given more presentations about the Shroud than anyone else, including several to the Vatican and also Muslim audiences.

I first met Barrie at the Richmond VA three-day conference on the Shroud in the 1980's created to discuss and present results from the STURP team's 5 day non-stop studies in 1978. As the official photographer, Barrie had been in Turin almost every hour to record the STURP tests, and he got very little rest time.

I had taken leave from my job at NASA to drive to Richmond and recognized Barrie immediately---and of course he was surrounded by researchers and Shroud fans like me. We shook hands and I told him I was a NASA guy fascinated by the Shroud.

We chatted for about 15 minutes, but a line of other fans had appeared behind me, so I thanked him and went back to my seat. Years later after we had become good friends, I reminded him about that first meeting in Richmond. One of the many things I liked about Barrie was his complete honesty - he confessed he did not remember our first encounter there. Of course, I did not expect him to remember me since he had a swarm of others around him there, and years later he would have other swarms of visiting pilgrims around him asking questions about the Shroud when we were in Turin. We had so much fun there that Barrie called me 5 years later to ask me to join him for the 2015 Shroud exhibition, but Margaret was having health issues, and I couldn’t do it that year. Several times he called over the years and if I wasn’t home, he would spend hours talking to Margaret - who loved their conversations.

Barrie enjoyed chatting on the phone and we had many long discussions as I’m sure he did with his numerous friends all over the world. An example of his sensitivity: I noticed he never included the above photo of us at Turin on his famous site. He explained the reason was our Asian friend lived in a town where the residents were not happy to have a Christian family nearby and Barrie did not want our friend’s face to be recognizable - which is why my son blurred his image for me.

Although he was Jewish, Barrie always told me if the image on the Shroud is not Jesus, he could not image who else it can be. I certainly agree. I have high hopes that after more than 35 years since the first Carbon dating of the Shroud (1260-1390) we may have a chance to persuade the Pope it is time for a second, more thorough and careful Carbon dating using newer, more accurate techniques, at least 3 or more sample areas (far from the controversial 1988 sample site) and needing only tiny fractions of a gram of the Cloth. Barrie was a skillful writer and would have been a huge force in helping to convince the Vatican to agree to allow a final, thorough carbon dating of the Shroud in 2025 after its exhibition next year---and finally answer the question of its age.

Ed and Barrie and Barrie
Ed Prior

I met Barrie in 2017 in Indianapolis where he was giving one of his many talks on the Holy Shroud. He was suppose to talk for two hours, and he graciously continued for two additional hours. The audience was enthralled by his stories and his knowledge of Shroud and hated to see his talk end. I was blessed to have him as course instructor when I obtained my Postgraduate Certificate in Shroud Studies in 2019. As I developed my Powerpoint slides to share with others the mystery and beauty of the Holy Shroud, I reached out again to Barrie to see if I could use some of his pictures. He said, “of course! No charge! Just send me a list of the ones you want.” I sent the list of the few pictures that I thought would enhance my presentation. He immediately called me and said, “Are you sure that’s all you want? I think you need more.” That’s how I will remember Barrie - kind, thoughtful and generous. We had a couple of conversations each year, where I soaked up his knowledge and laughed at his humor. I will miss our calls. Thank you, Barrie, for your dedicated work on the Shroud. May you rest in God’s peace.

Martha May

If there is something that characterized Barrie, it was his great kindness to everyone. Plus he always responded to my emails.

I attach a photo with Barrie in Madrid where he gave a conference at the Francisco de Vitoria University, April 2, 2010.

Jose and Barrie

Barrie's contribution to the popularity of the Turin Shroud is immeasurable. Rest in Peace.

Jose L. Fernandez

My name is Kimberly K Ballard, a friend of Barrie’s, author of “The Almond Tree Aaron’s Rod The Messiah KING Of Israel” from in upstate New York. This is how I met Barrie.

I used to visit the Library and visit the section about the Shroud Of Turin. One day, I pulled a book off the shelf, and was mesmerized when I saw Shroud photos, and I saw his name under the photos - BARRIE SCHWORTZ! Wow! I then said these words, “Lord, it would be so incredible to meet Barrie, the Official Shroud photographer!” Well, guess what? Within a few months Barrie moved from California to Colorado where I live! I was so thrilled, because it was just like God brought him here so I could meet him!

Before long, the Lord started a miracle that caused me to start writing a book about the KING OF KINGS, and some incredible revelations that I was given, that began with a miracle between me, and a person in Jerusalem on Holy Mount Moriah! Before long, I realized I wanted to put shroud pictures in my book, and I found Barrie’s contact information. I called him, and he didn’t turn me away, but spent time just talking away on the phone with me for hours. I was thrilled he was so wonderful. My heart just leapt for joy, because I knew God had orchestrated everything that was happening.

We talked numerous times, and then I found out that he was going to be speaking at a church close to where I live later on. I attended the meeting. Barrie came and gave me a hug, and I knew this was a miracle from God, it was so unbelievable.

When I think about what an opportunity I had that God orchestrated, I cried when I knew that I would never talk to Barrie ever again. It was a very special moment in time, that can never come again, because he’s gone. I will forever miss this wonderful man who is so knowledgeable, and kind enough to speak to me for hours. I really loved my friend Barrie. I will miss him so much. I had more to tell him, but I guess Jesus will let him know!

It was exciting sending him his own personal copy of my masterpiece book, containing his Shroud photos, as a gift, when it was first published on 5/5/15 (all Torah numbers)! I have tears writing this. I want to say, Thank you God for answering my prayer to meet Barrie, a true miracle that will never come again. I’ll see you in heaven Barrie with our KING Jesus. Well done, good and faithful servant! Thanks for everything my friend! I’ll never forget you.

With love & an angelic send off... as you would say, warm regards

Kimberly K. Ballard

Having just recently learned of Barrie’s death, it is with a heavy heart that I share the following. During prayer back in 2017, I was nudged to display the Holy Face of Our Lord (from the Shroud of Turin) on billboards across the US. Having no idea where to start, I called a phone number found on the Internet and Barrie answered. He was extremely gracious, and kind and we had a great chat for over 45 minutes. He loved the idea of the Holy Face billboards, we agreed on the material to be included on the boards and he then obtained approval for the project. The Holy Face Project was off! Since that time billboards with the Holy Face of Jesus have been displayed throughout the US and continue to this day. He was willing to listen, so enthusiastic and such a great help throughout these years. Barrie, you will be greatly missed. God bless you, my friend.

Val Kelly

I first wrote Barrie shortly after he brought online in 1996. He was very gracious and welcoming, which I took advantage of 2 years later when I visited LA. He arranged a memorable dinner for me to meet the artist and Shroud proponent Isabel Piczek. A scintillating conversation continued for a couple of hours until the restaurant closed.

From that point on we were frequently in touch by phone, which would often last an hour or more (fortunately I had free calls to the US). He would share the latest things going on in the world of Shroud scholarship, which was a real blessing for me living on the other side of the world. And he would describe the various personalities involved, an aspect that helped me get an even better understanding of events.

Over the years our friedship developed and I appreciated his wit and general optimism in addition to his deep knowledge of the Shroud. As everyone who knew him will attest, Barrie was an all round great guy.

I saw him at Shroud conferences in Dallas and St. Louis, and he stayed in my spare apartment (long story) when he visited Hong Kong in 2007, after being invited to open a Shroud display in the Philippines. He was an instant hit with my girlfriend; we took him to see some of the sights in Hong KOng, and introduced him to some Chinese delicacies.

In late April this year I was very worried when I learned that his health was poor. That was at the early stage when he was feeling weak and had just received an alarming report on the kidney enzymes. In a hastily arranged zoom conference, Joe Marino and I urged him to get to a specialist immediately. Further tests revealed the extent of the failing kidneys and then the leukemia. He had to go on dialysis but did not want that to continue indefinitely. In my last conversation with Barrie, just a week before he passed away, I urged him to make the trip to Houston where the best treatment for leukemia in the world is available. But he chose to stay in Colorado close to his son and grandsons. I think he felt in his bones that his time had come.

He will be greatly missed in the Shroud world, but even more by those who were fortunate enough to have called him a friend.

Bill Meacham

Barrie Schwortz was one of the very kindest and outgoing individuals I have ever known. He was directed to others rather than to himself. Where are these people in the world today? Yet, so many have expressed similar views of Barrie. These are wonderful characteristics for a scientific photographer and maybe the best-known expert on the Shroud of Turin. But you left us all too soon, Barrie. I miss you already!

Gary Habermas

I am especially blessed to count two members of the original Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) as my friends / associates. Barrie and I would chat periodically about various topics, including aspects of the Shroud of Turin, STURP research efforts, anecdotes about his experiences, website programming (he was NOT a fan of DreamWeaver!), and shroud photos. When I mentioned our mutual friend Dr. Kenneth Stevenson (another STURP member) and I co-authored “The Shroud Of Turin - The Perfect Summary”, Barrie shared several STURP photos for inclusion in our book. He was absolutely one of the premiere shroud experts on the planet, and was always willing to share his expertise. You will be sorely missed Barrie!

Dr. Brian Donley Worrell

Barrie will forever be rememberd as “Jiminy Cricket” when he stood as the conscience of STURP when a false accusation against me was raised. Born in my hometown of Pittsburgh about five minutes from where I was raised, we had much in common. His contribution to the story of the Shroud will be measured by the many people who visit

Dr. Kenneth E. Stevenson
Original member of the STURP team

My first experience with Barrie, came when I reached out to him with a question about the camera obscura theory. I was pleasantly surprised that there was a reply, as I thought he'd be too busy with more important things. This would be a portent which would reveal that people - any person - was this “more important thing”. (I also discovered that Barrie had a great sense of humor in his reply. He, (rhymingly), called the image produced by the camera obscura the “Shroud of Urine”! - Playing off the emulsifier used in this process.)

Over the years, he was most gracious in answering other questions, always with the most polite apologies for taking so long to reply, or for providing an answer that was shorter than he liked. I found that this was his defining characteristic. I have referred to him as “The nicest man in the world” several times, as I beheld his demeanor during interviews and videos. (I also refer to him when chiding others for not replying to emails. If this high-profile individual can do so, so can they!)

I did pose him with one inquiry that demanded a longer response, and I was amazed when he suggested I call him to discuss it on the phone. In discussing a good time to do that, we discovered we were both night owls. At that time, I shared that the reason for that was that I was a professional musician, and he shared that he had been a folk musician in the past too. This would be one of many things we discovered we had in common, including the fact that we were both of the Hippie calling, and that I lived just down the mountains from him!

Over many long hours on the phone, I came to hear Barrie's story, which was similar to my older brother's. (They were both in the Navy during the Viet Nam era, and became engaged in the counter-culture of the later 60's, after their service) I also came to know about Barrie's spiritual journey, one which brought him a sure knowledge of God. And it turned out that we both liked our local Denver Broncos team, as well as his hometown Steelers.

We went around a bit about a theory I was exploring. One that involved projecting sunlight through molded glass statue halves, over a merely blood-stained cloth. (I still think it may be possible to come up with a decent image that way, but I deferred to his area of expertise there, and started leaning towards the Maillard Effect, as was his inclination also.) Our last discussion, about the Shroud, involved the Jewish practice of soaking up shed blood, to be stored with the deceased. We went through all the possible logistics of transporting the crucified from the cross to the Tomb, with that in mind, giving special attention to how blood drops might have been scattered on the Shroud in whichever process was used. I was struck by his last word on the subject, in response to a very pointed question/observation of mine - “I don't know”. That showed me that he was not at all entrenched in any particular theory, nor too proud to consider views from even amateurs like me.

I consider myself so blessed to have been allowed to come to know Barrie so well, in spite of never having a face-to-face meeting. I hope that maybe he took my advice during his ordeal, and found solace in picking up his dust-covered Martin Guitar, to strum out a few soothing chords.

Barrie, you will be missed by so many. But you have surpassed any expectation in your professional and personal life, that one could hope for. I pray our paths cross again, in the hereafter. If so, I can't wait for our reactions to finally knowing the absolute Truth. (About the Shroud and beyond)

Requiescat in Pace!

Dan Oelrich

I have tried to write a memorial for dear Barrie many times and have never been satisfied with what my poor words can express. However, it is time to put this disappointing reality aside.

Through God's amazing grace, the Vancouver Shroud Association began in 2003 with a full year of prayer, laying the foundation for 21 years of travelling our Shroud Exhibition to many Canadian Provinces. On the recommendation of Shroud Scholar, Emanuella Marinelli, our Society invited Barrie to be one of 7 shroud presenters at our first Man of the Shroud Exhibition in 2004, and this was repeated again in 2005, with 17,000 visitors attending in those 2 years.

His first-hand experiences from assisting with the 1978 STURP team were riveting, and the passion for this subject was authentic and deep, and we all felt this. People, hungry for knowledge of the Holy Shroud, came from many cities and the feedback was outstanding.

Barrie accepted our invitation to become one of our VSA directors in 2006 and his guidance was invaluable to us as we made plans for our exhibit so that we could reach thousands more. With Barrie's help, I estimate that over 150,000 guests have benefited from this educational tool to date.

Personally speaking, in spite of his heavy workload, I cannot remember waiting more than 5 minutes for a phone call to be returned, and the hours spent in discussing the Holy Shroud grew over the years into a precious friendship. I have known many wonderful people in my travels since being involved in this grace-filled work, but I found Barrie to be a man of exceptional integrity. His honesty, humility and his courage shone through and he became as if a magnet at our events... with many surrounding him, visibly moved by the thought that the Shroud of Turin could actually be a miraculous gift from Jesus Christ and a testimony to His love for them personally. Barrie realized this and he offered all his energy, talent and intellect in order to promote credible research that reached millions.

We who were privileged to know Barrie Schwortz as a Shroud presenter and as a dear friend, cannot help but give thanks to God for the gift of this very special man who possessed an indefatigable passion for truth that inspired us all.

Carolyn Wharton
Vancouver Shroud Association

Memories Of Barrie

Barrie and friend

Barrie at HKU dinner

Barrie Michael Jackson Joe Cocker

Barrie and Burl Ives

Barrie at Bar Mitzvah

Barrie with Cardinal Saldarini

Barrie with Pia Camera

Barrie in Turin 1978

Barrie giving Shroud presentation

Barrie in 2022

Barrie at Jalsa Salana UK 2015

Barrie with Devan and Miller in Turin 1978

Barrie Schwortz, undated photo

Barrie Schwortz with family

STURP Team, 1978

Barrie at BBC, 1999

Barrie with Isabel Piczek, 1999

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